During the period of isolation and following the Government guidelines the Parish Council will not be meeting until further notice. We will do our best to keep things running as normal as much as we are able to.
If there are any matters needing urgent attention please contact the Clerk, Barbara Young, either on 01522 731900 or by email who will be able assist you.
Cllr Katy Baggott, on behalf of the Parish Council has set up a Facebook page Scampton Parish Council where people can join to see what is going on in Scampton and to ask for help if they need anything due to self isolation. Please feel free to join us.
If you need any help or guidance, the following has been issued by Lincolnshire County Council:-
Coronavirus: What you need to do
The latest information from national government in relation to the Coronavirus outbreak:
Coronavirus: Community help and volunteering
If you are a member of the community that requires support you can request help online at:
You can also volunteer to help on Lincolnshire County Council's website at:
Remember to follow Government advice and keep yourselves safe.
Barbara Young