Present:  Councillors R Patterson (Chairman), Ms C Sneath (Vice Chairman), K Taylor, S Plews and Mrs B Young (Clerk). Prospective Councillors J Rumble and C Bulteel and one member of the public also attended.
Apologies There were no apologies
Register of Members Interests Members of the Council were reminded that at any time during the meeting they could declare an interest.
The Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 20th July 2020 were proposed by Cllr Sneath, seconded by Cllr Patterson and agreed unanimously.
Open session Steve Ulyat reported that he had bought a new battery for the Speed Indicator and gave the Clerk the bill from the Battery Warehouse for £65.00 for reimbursement.
VE Day Celebrations – No decisions could be made until gatherings of more than 30 were permitted.
Speed Camera Training Cllr Sneath had experienced a problem trying to buy the handheld speed guns but hopefully this would be resolved soon. The costs would be shared with Brattleby.
Closure of RAF Scampton – There is no information to report but a Community Conversation Meeting would be held on 17th September for anyone who is interested.
Litterbins for the Estate There was to be a walk round the estate on Monday 7th September at 1.00pm and the siting of the bins would be investigated.
Church Bells – The PC had been advised by LALC that public money cannot be used for supporting the church in upkeep, maintenance or restoration projects.
Annual Parish Meeting This will be held on Thursday 1st October in the BSA Hall at 7.30pm. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided. The meeting will be restricted to 20 and face masks must be worn. This is due to current coronavirus restrictions. The BSA Village Hall is following Government Guidelines, which could change at any time.
Sub-Committee on RAF Assets Several members and the member of the public were committed to this and it was hoped that the other people who expressed an interest in joining the PC would become involved with this Committee.
District Councillor’s report – The new planning policy, particularly Rule 77 were causing the District problems. The County Council leader had proposed, without consultation, a Unitary Authority with the abolition of District Councils in Lincolnshire.
  1. WLDC website- the Clerk had attended an on line training on the use of the new Parish Council website. The old one will be turned off at the end of the year as it was not fully accessible. Cllr Taylor would also undertake the training.
  2. A rotten post on Village Sign at the north end of the village. S. Ulyat was aware and it was on his list of things to do.
  3. A thank you had been received from LIVES for the donation of £200.00.
It was noted that the following payments had been made:
Haven Power (July)                                                                                        £74.56
Medisol                                                                                                           £177.60
Green Grass Contracting                                                                                £125.99
LIVES                                                                                                            £200.00
Refreshments for the litter pick                                                                        £34.40                                                                        
The Clerk had received notification from the Auditors of the Receipt of Documents and the Notice of Exemption Status of the Parish Council 2020. Receipt No. L10309
Planning -
There are no current planning applications
Vacancies on the Parish Council
The two candidates present gave a short presentation and were then unanimously co-opted to the Parish Council. Congratulations to Cllrs Jane Rumble and Chris Bulteel.
Matters for the next Meeting
  1. Christmas lights and village celebration.
  2. Poppy wreath for Remembrance Day
  3. Community Awards
  4. Speed Awareness
  5. Closure of RAF Scampton
  6. Litter bins
  7. Parish Council website
  8. Sub Committee on RAF Assets
  9. District Councillor’s report.
The next meeting will be on Thursday 1st October 2020 at 7.00pm in the BSA Hall, Aisthorpe and will be followed at 7.30pm by the Annual Parish Meeting.
Being no further business the meeting closed at 8.30pm



Signed                                                                          Date