Present:  Councillors C. Bulteel (Chairman), C Sneath (Vice Chairman), M Newham, J Rumble, K Thompson, R Patterson and Mrs B Young (Clerk). Also in attendance were County Councillor Richard Butroid, two  ROSE representatives and 5 members of the public.
Apologies –Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr T Somerville.
Register of Members Interests Members of the Council were reminded that at any time during the meeting they could declare an interest.
The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 7th September 2023 were proposed by Cllr. Newham, seconded by Cllr. Patterson and agreed unanimously. They were signed by the Chairman as a true record of the meeting.
District Councillor’s report – Due to  Cllr Patterson having another meeting to attend his report was given. There were rumours that the first of the immigrants would be arriving on Monday but this was denied by the Home Office. He was going on the GB news programme and would call for the resignation of the Home Secretary and the Minister for Immigration due to the lack of any meaningful liaison with the public. Sir Edward Leigh had referred the HO to the auditors over their figures regarding the housing of people at Scampton. The new development at ? had been aborted due to flooding problems.
Open session. Matters raised by the public were:
  • Flooding in the High Street between the Old Parsonage and the church.
  • Security concerns were expressed and the PC was asked if it could arrange a whole village coverage. The PC could not do this and a member of the public would contact ADT for further information about the discount offered to the residents of Scampton Cliff and see if it could be extended to the village.
  • Thanks were given to the PC for all the work it was doing in difficult circumstances.
  • Residents were urged to keep a record of any incidents and to notify the police. We would eventually be given a contact number for SERCO.
  • Concern was expressed over the reduction of property values and the increase of insurance. The HO have said there will be no compensation for this.
Village Signs. Steve Ulyat would clarify the confusion over the cost of the village signs.
 Law Enforcement and Speed Awareness- Cllr Sneath attended the Timeway Security Meeting and reported the problems with the Eastern Bypass had been resolved and the planning permission passed. She had tried to download the figures for September but had a few issues, which would be sorted out. There will be more Speed Awareness sessions over the next 3 weeks.    Action Cllr Sneath
Litter Picks –One had been held on 10th September the next one would be on 26th November between 10.00 and 12.00.
Web Page and Social Media – Notes from the meetings with the Home Office are now on the webpage and Facebook. The new email addresses had been set up and would become active in the next week or so.
It was proposed by Cllr Bulteel, seconded by Cllr Thompson and agreed unanimously that we should look at the feasibility of having our own website rather than the one hosted by LCC. It was felt it might be more user friendly.   Action Cllr Newham
Highways and Footpaths –There was a new person at Highways, who had looked at the problem of the footpath and recommended the rerouting of the footpath through the centre of the development. Cllr Butroid was happy to feedback that PC felt the residents would not be happy with the suggestion.  Cllrs Bulteel and Rumble would arrange a meeting of the residents to get their opinions. The resurfacing of the footpath outside Lime Tree Cottage was on the list of future jobs, and the TRO (Traffic Regulation Order) were assessing the parking in Scampton Way.   Action Cllrs Bulteel & Rumble
Future of Scampton – The latest MAF had been cancelled and it was obvious that the inadequate meetings had been censored. The Home Office said it was happy to work with Scampton Holdings, who were in the process of reviewing the situation. Members of the PC would visit the campsite at Scampton. Mr Jackson expressed concern that the Parish Council had said that Pollyplatt   School was going to close. The PC had merely been worried that, due to the situation at the camp, numbers on role would drop, making the school vulnerable in the future.
IT. – No update
H&S – The Risk Assessment Christmas event has been done,                                
Energy – Cllr Sneath had contacted WLDC but due to holidays would not be able to get an update until next Monday.   Action Cllr Sneath
Community Social Events- There were now 9 booked stalls for the Christmas Event, which will run from 4.00 – 8.00pm with the light switch on at 7.00pm. The Cilty of Lincoln Brass Band has been booked, but needs cover in case of rain. We would look at the purchase of a gazebo for use at future events. Cllr Sneath was organizing the tombola and volunteers. The police had confirmed that they would provide a presence. Terry Rumble was thanked for producing the posters and the event would be advertised on the notice boards and via social media. Cllr Bulteel had applied for a flypast of the Lancaster for 16th May 2024 but we would not know the outcome until April.   Action Cllr Rumble
Neighbourhood Watch – We would try to arrange for a presentation at the next meeting.
ROSE – They offered to facilitate a meeting between the PC and themselves but the major problem was finding a venue. They would be welcome to attend the next PC meeting.
Policies – The Policies on Data Protection, Personnel Committee ToRs and Public Participation at Parish Council Meetings were proposed by Cllr Rumble, seconded by Cllr Thampson and approved unanimously. They would be uploaded to the website.
Future Plans – This was deferred until a future date.
Cllr Newham had updated her Register of Members’ Interests.
The following planning applications were received:
07.09.23 147198 – 14 semi-detached, 2 storey dwellings to land to the west of Northumberland Avenue – The Parish Council objected due to the lack of infrastructure and that it was outside the Lincolnshire Long term planning area.
02.10.23 147328 Application for approval of reserved matters for Drive-thru restaurant – land at the showground. No Objections.
It was noted that the following payments had been made:
Drax                                                                                        £264.52
Green Grass Contracting                                                        £168.36
F B Young (Stationery)                                                            £38.27
Cloud Next                                                                               £59.98
Cloud Next                                                                             £132.00
F B Young (Salary)                                                                 £180.72
HMRC                                                                                    £180.72
It had come to light that the Chairman couldn’t chair the Personnel Committee ToRs he proposed that Cllr Rumble take his place on the committee.
Matters for the next Meeting
Law Enforcement and Speed Awareness
Litter Picks
Web Page and Social Media
Highways and Footpaths
Future of Scampton
IT – Email addresses
Community Social Events
Neighbourhood watch
Future Plans
ROSE Committee
District Councillor’s report
The date of the next meeting The next meeting will be on Thursday 2nd November 2023 at 7.00pm in the BSA Hall, Aisthorpe


Being no further business the meeting closed at 09.18pm.