Present:  Councillors C Sneath (Vice Chairman), K Taylor, J Rumble, C Bulteel and Mrs B Young (Clerk). Janet Clerk of YMCA Community Lincs and Steve Kemp of Openplan. Several members of the public also joined the meeting.
Apologies There were no apologies received.
Register of Members Interests Members of the Council were reminded that at any time during the meeting they could declare an interest.
The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 3rd September 2020 were proposed by Cllr Sneath, with the proviso that an adjustment to the explanation of why the PC could not support the bell appeal should be added. They were seconded by Cllr Patterson and agreed unanimously. They will be signed by the Chairman in due course.
Open session Steve Ulyat thanked the Parish Council for all they were doing in the difficult circumstances. He felt they were coping very well. Steve was thanked for repairing the village sign.
Christmas lights and village celebration. It was believed that the lights were still on the tree and would need to be checked. It was unlikely that we would be able to have a tree lighting ceremony this year but would not make a final decision until next month.
Poppy wreath for Remembrance Day The Clerk had ordered the wreath and at the moment it is not know if it would be possible to have a formal ceremony at the church. It is hoped that the last post will be sounded, via the new bell system, at 11.00am so it would be possible to lay the wreath informally. It was proposed by Cllr Sneath, seconded by Cllr Rumble and agreed unanimously that the usual donation of £50 be made to the Royal British Legion.
Community Awards In the light of the acts of selflessness and kindness that have been carried out during the pandemic, Cllr Patterson would like to see some Community Awards. Janet Clark had sent out details of the Neighbour of the Year Award 2020, which the Clerk would forward to councillors.
Speed Awareness Cllr Sneath was having trouble locating the radar guns but Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership had just started working again and someone would be contacting her with a view to help resource these and other equipment that was needed. The new Chief Constable, who is a leading expert on road deaths, was keen to put in measures to reduce road accidents and deaths.
Closure of RAF Scampton  This will be covered in the Annual Parish Meeting, which follows next.
Litter bins - There was a bit of confusion about the location of the proposed bins and a question as the whether we could install them in RAF locations. The Clerk would contact Gill Angel with regards to this. It was felt that 5 combined bins would be needed and there would be a few for redistribution. It was not known whether WLDC would relocate bins or whether it was something we would have to do.
Parish Council website – Cllr Taylor and the Clerk had undergone training on the new website as the old one was being turned off at the end of the year as it was not accessible. They would work together to start populating the new site. We have to post documents back to 2018 but it is under control.
Sub Committee on RAF Assets Cllr Patterson has several names, which he will forward to Janet.
District Councillor’s report. This will be included in the Annual Parish Meeting.
Correspondence – Information about the Neighbour of the Year Award 2020.
It was noted that the following payments had been made:
Haven Power (July)                                                                                        £71.01
Green Grass Contracting                                                                                £125.99
Battery Warehouse                                                                                           £65.00
E-On Maintenance                                                                                          £83.16                                                                         
The Clerk had HMRC had also been paid.
The review of the Clerk’s salary was postponed until next month.
Planning -  
141588 18.09.20 Dambusters Inn – To replace previously approved (1385640) decking and glass structure with solid timber clad parapet flat roof extension with first floor roof terrace.
141599 18.09.20 Plot 14 High Street Scampton – First floor balcony and loft conversion.
Vacancies on the Parish Council
Tony Summerville was interested in becoming a Councillor and made a short presentation. Due to time restrictions this month his application will be considered at the next meeting.
Matters for the next Meeting
  1. Christmas lights.
  2. Remembrance Day
  3. Litter bins
  4. Speed awareness
  5. RAF Community Assets Sub committee
  6. Community Awards
  7. LALC training
  8. Closure of RAF Scampton
  9. Parish Council website
  10. Salary review
  11. District Councillor’s report
The next meeting will be on Thursday 5th November 2020 at 7.30pm via Zoom to comply with the latest Covid 19 guidelines.


Being no further business the meeting closed at 7.30pm