Present:  Councillors C Sneath (Vice Chairman), K Taylor, J Rumble, C Bulteel and Mrs B Young (Clerk). Janet Clerk of YMCA Community Lincs, prospective Councillor Tony Somerville and two members of the public were also present.
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs Patterson and Plews. PCSO Julie McFaul sent her apologies but sent the following report:
“08/10/20 – RTC on Northumberland Avenue involving 2 vehicles (minor).
 29/10/20 – STOLEN, a white Ford Transit van was stolen without the keys from the High Street in Scampton.”
Register of Members Interests Members of the Council were reminded that at any time during the meeting they could declare an interest.
The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 1st October 2020 were proposed by Cllr Sneath, seconded by Cllr Bulteel and agreed unanimously. They will be signed by the Vice-Chairman in due course.
Open session Steve Ulyat reported he had resumed the painting of the street lights but the weather was holding him back. All the repairs had been done, so they were safe. The new batteries for the speed sign indicators had been purchased and he would replace the posts on the village sign, in due course.
Christmas lights and village celebration. Due to the current position with Coronavirus it would not be possible to hold the Lighting up Ceremony this year. Steve Ulyat said he would go and look at the lights and turn them on at the end of November/start of December. He was thanked for doing this.
Poppy wreath for Remembrance Day Cllr. Patterson has the wreath and would lay it in accordance with the instructions received from the church.
Litter bins – Cllr Bulteel had provided an up to date map for the location of the additional bins at RAF Scampton. The Clerk would check with the RAF that we can locate one in Vulcan Drive before placing an order with WLDC.
Speed Awareness Cllr Sneath had located a speed gun on Amazon at a cost of £162 plus £30 for a case. The signs were £164 plus £18 delivery. The high viz jackets would be about £106. A click counter would also be needed at about £7. The total cost should be about £500 which would be split with Brattleby. Cllr Rumble asked if they would be able to do speed checks on Lincoln Way and said she would be able to help with the speed checks. Cllr Sneath would check with Lincs Road Safety Partnership whether this was permissible.
Sub Committee on RAF Assets- There was then a lengthy discussion about the RAF Assets and the closure of Scampton. It was felt that little was being achieved by going over the same points at the PC meetings. As a result of this the following points need further discussion and decisions to be made.
  1. There is a Zoom meeting on 17.11.20 at 7.00pm when Openplan would present the recommendations for the closure of RAF Scampton. It is vital that the views of residents are heard before the Parish Council ratifies the proposals and they are sent to WLDC.
  2. WLDC were keen to get information out to the residents and would fund a newsletter. It should contain information from all parties involved. What needs to be decided is who will take responsibility for producing it. WLDC will print it but would need people locally to deliver it.
  3. It was proposed by Cllr. Bulteel that a Sub Committee be set up to look at all the issues surrounding the closure of RAF Scampton and the Assets involved. This was seconded by Cllr Rumble and agreed unanimously.
  4. The name of the Committee would be decided and Cllr Bulteel said he was prepared to chair it, providing he had support from the Parish Council. Cllrs Sneath and Rumble expressed an interest in being part of the committee, as did Tony Somerville and Terry Rumble.
  5. The Committee would report to the Parish Council each month for actions  that need to be taken and ratification of decisions etc.
  6. Janet also needed to know if there was any training needed.
  7. The Parish Council was urged to consider whether, in the future we remain one Parish Council or split into two.
Community Awards As requested the Clerk had sent out details of the Neighbour of the Year Award 2020 to councillors and Cllr Rumble had nominated someone. It would be left until Cllr Patterson was at a meeting before pursuing the matter further.
LALC Training – There was some confusion about the charges and whether we would have to pay the full year’s subscription when we were already more than half way through the year, Cllr Sneath would follow up on her initial enquiries.
Closure of RAF Scampton  - This had been covered in the Sub Committee RAF Assets above.
Parish Council website – There was a question about whether we should pay for someone to populate the new PC website. The Clerk and Cllr. Taylor would work on the project and a final decision would be made at the next meeting.
Review of the Clerk’s Salary,  It was proposed that the Clerk’s salary be raised in line in accordance with NALC guidelines and that the award be backdated to April. This was seconded by Cllr. Rumble and agreed unanimously.
District Councillor’s report. There was no report due to the absence of Cllr Patterson.
Correspondence – None
It was noted that the following payments had been made:
Haven Power (September)                                                                              £75.45
Green Grass Contracting                                                                                £125.99
The Clerk had HMRC had also been paid.
The budget for the coming year was presented and due to the unknown expenses relating to the closure of RAF Scampton it was proposed by Cllr Bulteel, seconded by Cllr Rumble and agreed unanimously that the precept for the year 2021 -2022 be set at £8000.
Planning -  
141806 26.10.20- The building of an Institute of Technology Building with workshop and classrooms at Bishop Burton College. No observations.
Vacancies on the Parish Council
It was proposed by Cllr Sneath that Tony Summerville be co-opted as a Parish Councillor for Scampton. This was seconded by Cllr Bulteel and agreed unanimously. He was welcomed to the Parish Council.
Matters for the next Meeting
  1. Litter bins
  2. Speed awareness
  3. Community Awards
  4. LALC training
  5. Closure of RAF Scampton
  6. Parish Council website
  7. District Councillor’s report
The next meeting will be on Thursday 3rd December 2020 at 7.30pm via Zoom to comply with the latest Covid 19 guidelines.
Being no further business the meeting closed at 9.15pm

Signed                                                                          Date