ATTENDANCE: Cllrs. Bulteel (Chairman), Sneath (Vice-Chairman), Newham, Rumble, Patterson, Somerville. and Thompson with Brian Elliott (Parish Clerk) and three members of the public.

APOLOGIES –Apologies for absence were received from County Councillor Butroid.


Members of the Council were reminded that at any time during the meeting they could declare an interest. Only one declaration was made (see item 1107-03 below)

1107-01 OPEN SESSION – Three points arose from this session (a) providing a footpath from Scampton Cliff to the new services at the Showground, (b) a reset of collaboration discussions with a local residents group, (c) a request for a grant for a Christmas event on 10 December and (d) repainting of lamp posts which are becoming discoloured.   

Item (a) would be taken up with the County Council (but probably not immediately), item (b) would be pursued informally, with information from an upcoming survey shared, and item (d) investigated by Cllr Somerville in the New Year.

In view of the urgency of item (c), it was proposed by Cllr Bulteel, seconded by Cllr Thompson and agreed that a grant of £200 should be paid to R.O.S.E. for childrens’ gifts at that group’s Christmas event.

Action: Cllr Somerville as to item (d).

1107-02 MINUTES – On a proposition from Cllr. Sneath (seconded by Cllr Newham), the minutes of the previous meeting were approved for signature as an accurate record.

1107-03 VILLAGE SIGNS – Considerable satisfaction was expressed at the quality of the new village signs which were ready to be installed – and the old ones retained for the heritage centre. Terry Rumble was thanked for his design and other work on the signs and a small gift was authorised for the volunteer who was installing them.  

Cllr. Sneath declared an interest in this item and took no part in the discussion.

1107-04 LAW ENFORCEMENT AND SPEED AWARENESS – Downloading speed check data remain an issue but attempts are on-going to resolve it. A decision on extending the warranty on the speed signs would be resolved by email.

Action: Cllr Sneath on warranty extension.

1107-05 LITTER PICK – Four people took part in the 4 November Litter Pick and that will be the last one until March 2025. Meanwhile the dog waste bin by the bus stop at Scampton Cliff needs to be replaced.

Action: Cllr Patterson as to replacement bin.

1107-06 WEB PAGE AND SOCIAL MEDIA – Nothing to report.

1107-07 HIGHWAYS AND FOOTPATHS – A Lincolnshire County Council meeting with residents of 617 Court considered the options surrounding the inadequate width of the public footpath at the rear of the properties. The County Council will now formulate proposals, with diversion apparently the preferred LCC option.

Highway repairs had been carried out within the parish but the Showground roundabout and entrance road to Scampton Cliff still remained as outstanding items.

1107-08 BUS SHELTER – Quotes revealed that a tendering exercise would be needed for maintenance of the bus shelter opposite Scampton church. However, the bus shelter at Scampton Cliff was expected to be replaced by Lincolnshire County Council.

1107-09 FUTURE OF SCAMPTON – Potential next steps will be discussed with West Lindsey Council, but progress awaits certainty about the Home Office’s next steps. It was agreed that Brattleby Parish Council should be included in any District Council discussions.

1107-10 NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN – This is also held up, awaiting a decision from WLDC, although Councillors were anxious to have a plan in place.

1107-11 IT REPORT – All the new equipment was now in place and the agreed £120 honorarium was reaffirmed - with reimbursement also being made for parts bought covered by receipts.

1107-12 HEALTH AND SAFETY – Risk assessments for the Village Hall and Christmas event were now almost complete.

1107 - 13 ENERGY REPORT – Lamppost No. 1 has been repaired but Trenchard Square lights could only stay on after midnight if they were owned privately or by the Parish Council.

1107-14 COMMUNITY SOCIAL EVENTS – Most things were in place for the May Dambusters Flypast and for the Christmas event (and someone was selected to switch on the lights). However, consideration should be given to a firework display next November.

1107-15 POLICIES – Policies in respect of Data Protection; Donations & Grants; Small Grant Application Forms and Freedom of Information were reviewed with no changes needed and an Anti-bullying and Harassment Policy was agreed and signed by members.

1107-16 FUTURE PLANS – Community skips would be available between 10am and 2pm on Friday 3 January and advertised from early December.

Action: Cllr Newham - organising publicity

1107-17 DISTRICT COUNCILLOR - Cllr Patterson reported on changes of posts among Council officers. In addition, it had been agreed that the BSA Hall and Barnes Wallace Community Centre would be the Polling Stations within the parish.

1107-18 COUNTY COUNCILLOR – The County Councillor was not at the meeting, but an invitation was extended for Scampton Councillors to attend the Brattleby meeting that aimed to tackle local traffic problems caused by large events at the Showground.

1107-19 CORRESPONDENCE – Items considered included (a) concern about access to the key for the notice board by the school (to display new bus timetables) and (b) two communications thanking the Council (one for attending the West Lindsey 50-year event and the other for their activity opposing the asylum seekers plan).

All the items were noted – although the Council was unable to help with the notice board key.

1107-20 FINANCE – The Council reviewed next year's precept, agreeing to continue to budget for major opportunities or commitments in respect of the Scampton estate, but at a lower level than currently. Therefore, it was proposed by Cllr Bulteel, seconded by Cllr Patterson and resolved that the precept for 2025-26 should be set at £20,000.

The Council also decided that a debit card should be obtained, but deferred decisions on where to invest surplus funds.

1107-21 PLANNING – No objection would be raised to plans for an extension to a stores building at Gelder Construction, Tillbridge Road, LN1 2DS (WL/2024/00806).

1107-22 PARISH CLERK - The Chairman reported that the result of the recent selection process was that Brian Elliott had been appointed Parish Clerk.


  • Village Signs
  • Law enforcement and speed awareness
  • Litter Picks
  • Web page and social media
  • Highways and footpaths
  • Pavement Improvements at High Street West
  • Bus Shelter Maintenance
  • Future of Scampton
  • IT
  • Health and Safety
  • Energy Report 
  • Community Social events
  • Policies
  • Future Plans.
  • District Councillor’s report
  • County Councillor’s report
  • Correspondence
  • Finance
  • Planning

1107-24 DATE OF NEXT MEETING – The next meeting will be held on Thursday 5 December 2024 at 7.00pm in the BSA Hall, Aisthorpe.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.35pm.