Present:  Councillors C Bulteel (Chairman), C Sneath (Vice Chairman), T Somerville, M Newham, R Patterson and four members of the public were also present.
Apologies –were received and accepted from Cllr. J Rumble and Mrs B Young (Clerk)
Register of Members Interests - Members of the Council were reminded that at any time during the meeting they could declare an interest.
The Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 1st June 2023 were proposed by Cllr. Sneath & seconded by Cllr. Rumble and agreed unanimously. They will be signed at the next meeting by the Chairman as a true record of the meeting.  
Open Session - S Ulyat informed the Parish Council that the state of the original footpath at the rear of 617 Court, had become overgrown and it was difficult to walk along this footpath. Even though this footpath is cut twice a year by LCC highways, it requires further grass cuts to maintain the footpath, to a level that the public can access it. Steve asked if this footpath could be added on to the PC grass cutting schedule, Cllr. Bulteel raised concerns regarding health and safety of the grass cutting team.
The Parish Council were informed that RAF Wethersfield has today started to accommodate the first group of Asylum Seekers.
Various discussions took place regarding Security for civilians, which is a major concern for those residents.
New Parish Councillor – Cllr. Sneath had spoken to a resident, but they were concerned about their commitment time at the moment.
Cllr. Bulteel asked Cllr. Newham to advertise the position on the Parish Council website and the 3 Facebook pages.
Law Enforcement/Speed Awareness A Community Speed Watch session had been carried out at Scampton Cliff on 30th June, with 88 vehicles in 30 mins and 1 person doing 48mph.
Litter Picks – A litter pick had taken place at Scampton Cliff on Sunday 4th June, with 7 members of the public attending and 9 bags of rubbish were collected.  WLDC collected the bags the same week. The next Litter Pick will be on 12th September.
Webpage and Social Media – Cllr. Newham has now set up a new section to display the Speed Indication Display board information to be downloaded each month.  Cllr Newham also advised that there was now a FOI section listing all of the responses that have been received from the Home Office
Highways and Footpaths – Overgrown footpath at 617 Court discussed earlier in open session.
Cllr. Sneath had been asked by a resident, “Why the affordable houses in 617 Court were still empty”.  Enquiries had been made to WLDC Building Control, who informed Cllr. Sneath that it was not their responsibility, but a company called QuasdrantAI in Lincoln. Further investigations would be done to establish some answers.
Future of RAF Scampton – Channel 4 have been in contact and would like the PC to take 2 part in a TV documentary.
Focus group Home Office meeting was cancelled for 12th July.
£1.8 million allocated to Lincolnshire Police. “How long to train up new recruits, as Asylum Seekers could arrive very soon”.
Security and Trespassing is a major concern to the local residents.
If this Asylum Seeker proposal goes ahead, Police meeting with local residents, what they can and cannot do around self intent.
LCC and WLDC concerns around SFA houses becoming vacant.
100 Airforce houses not getting rid of.
Rose Group – now reformed, need to encourage this group and all groups to work together with SPC.
One of the 3 management companies that look after private housing area, called Priem, have organised a residents meeting for their members on 20th July at the BSA Village Hall.
IT Equipment. – Cllr. Somerville had found an amplifier, but needed to check this one for suitability with surround sound. It was proposed by Cllr. Sneath and seconded by Cllr Patterson and agreed unanimously that if this one is suitable, Cllr. Somerville could purchase it
Health & Safety – Cllr. Somerville had amended the risk assessment, which is now with the clerk for completion, ready to present at the next meeting. Once completed the risk assessment will need to be signed by the Cllr. Bulteel, Cllr. Somerville and the clerk.
Energy – Cllr. Sneath had organised a meeting for Thursday 13th July with Grant White (WLDC) to do a walk around the village street lights and investigate the condition of the lights.
Community Social Events – Cllr. Rumble had sent Cllr. Sneath an email with some questions regarding the planned Christmas event.
Scampton Christmas Festival had been suggested as a title for this event, which would be used for the promotional leaflets.
Scampton School have agreed for the PC to hold this event at the school, but there could be extra charges for additional refuse bins, if required?
How much money would the Parish Council want to allow for purchasing some Christmas decorations for this event?
All of the above were proposed by Cllr. Bulteel and seconded by Cllr. Patterson and agreed unanimously to with a caveat that Cllr. Rumble proposes how much money would be required for this event.
Neighbourhood Watch -   Discuss at next meeting 
Future Plans – Cllr. Bulteel gave an update that the Battle of Britain Memorial Dambusters Flypast would be held again in 2024 and looking at May 16th as a date for this event, he will also put a request in for the flypast in September 2023, ready for May 2024.
A question was asked “Do we know if the Home Office have made any physical provision for Security in the private houses?”
“No they have not.” Was the answer.
Scampton Parish Council have discussed with LCC highways a request to have the street lights on all night at Scampton Cliff.
District Councillor’s Report – Cllr Patterson congratulated Cllr. Bulteel on the statement produced on behalf of Scampton Parish Council.  Cllr. Somerville, who represented the Parish Council on his speech at the WLDC public planning meeting for the RAF application to remove the dog grave from RAF Scampton.  This speech set the tone for the evening, which also aligned with various other speakers. WLDC refused this planning application by 10 votes to 0.  Cllr. Patterson also congratulated Cllr. Newham on her TV interview after the meeting, as she had set up the dog grave petition.           
The Prosperous Committee had met and discussed the impact report for the solar farm applications that had gone through to the Planning Inspectorate.
The next part is the public report.
The Strategic house report which covers NHS is looking at dentist, GP and Hospital provision.
Correspondence -. Discuss at next meeting
Finance – Clerks Salary - Discuss at next meeting
Planning – Discuss at next meeting.
Matters for the next Meeting –
Law Enforcement/Speed Awareness
Litter Picks
Highways and Footpaths
Future of RAF Scampton
Health and Safety
Community Social Events
Future Plans
District Councillor’s Report
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 3rd August 2023 at 7.00pm in the BSA Hall, Aisthorpe.
Being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm.