ATTENDANCE: Cllrs. Sneath (In the Chair), Newham, Rumble, Patterson, Somerville, County Councillor Butroid and Brian Elliott (Parish Clerk) together with two members of the public.

APOLOGIES –Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs. Bulteel and Thompson.


Members of the Council were reminded that at any time during the meeting they could declare an interest, but none were needed.

1205-01 OPEN SESSION – Councillors were pleased to hear that 39 children were scheduled to attend the 10 December Christmas event discussed in connection with a grant at the last meeting. In addition, there was considerable praise for the new signs for Scampton Village which now needed a final height adjustment

1205-02 MINUTES – On a proposition from Cllr. Rumble (seconded by Cllr Newham), the minutes of the previous meeting were approved and duly signed as an accurate record.

1205-03 VILLAGE SIGNS – Nothing to report beyond the items covered in 1205-01 above.

1205-04 LAW ENFORCEMENT AND SPEED AWARENESS – Data from the three Speed Indicator Devices was noted but did not require action. It was also decided not to take up the extended warranty in respect of those devices.

1205-05 LITTER PICK – Nothing to report.

1205-06 WEB PAGE AND SOCIAL MEDIA – Nothing new to report.

1205-07 HIGHWAYS AND FOOTPATHS – Lincolnshire County Council has now formulated plans for the public footpath behind 617 Court and is currently updating residents about them. The meeting between Brattleby Parish Council and Showground staff, which Cllr Sneath attended, went well and improvements are now expected.

County Councillor Butroid acknowledged concerns about accessing the A15 from Scampton Cliff and asked the Parish Council what action they would like to see. Traffic lights were one short-term solution that received support.

1205-08 BUS SHELTER –  Further quotes were needed for the maintenance work to the bus shelter opposite Scampton church.

1205-09 FUTURE OF SCAMPTON – Cllr Patterson reported that progress had been made on the possible sale of the former RAF site to West Lindsey District Council, but action on site is unlikely before the spring. Estimates for grass cutting there had also been requested.  

1205-10 NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN – West Lindsey Council has asked about a Community Asset Register (to help protect important land and buildings locally) and it was felt this should proceed as part of the Neighbourhood Plan work.

1205-11 IT REPORT – Installation of the new equipment at the Village Hall is almost complete but it was proposed by Cllr Somerville and seconded by Cllr Patterson that £220 should be spent on a DVD player with a decision on the projector being considered at the next meeting.

1205-12 HEALTH AND SAFETY – Nothing new to report.

1205 - 13 ENERGY REPORT – A street lighting expert will be consulted to explore possible cost savings, while quotes are also expected from a contractor for repairing deteriorating street light standards.

Action: Clerk

1205-14 COMMUNITY SOCIAL EVENTS – All those who helped in the Christmas event were warmly thanked with special appreciation to Cllr Rumble, Jim Nicholson and Headmaster Hebborn. It was felt that, next year (and alternate years), the event should be at Pollyplatt Primary School with a simple, but complementary, Christmas tree lights “switching on ceremony” in Scampton Village.

1205-15 POLICIES – Policies in respect of Health & Safety and Social Media were reviewed with no changes needed but changes to the frequency and size of grants were made to the Small Grant Applications policy. All these changes were proposed by Cllr Patterson and seconded by Cllr Sneath.

1205-16 FUTURE PLANS – Advice would be sought from Fillingham Parish Council on ways to increase pressure for fast Broadband to both Scampton Cliff and Scampton Village.

Action: Clerk

1205-17 DISTRICT COUNCILLOR - Cllr Patterson announced that QR codes are being added to litter and dog waste bins to help identify problem areas more easily.

1205-18 COUNTY COUNCILLOR – County Councillor Butroid reported that arrangements were under way for the creation of a Greater Lincolnshire Mayor with elections expected in May.

1205-19 CORRESPONDENCE – Items considered included (a) problems with intrusive lighting at Scampton Cliff – but the Council could not help with the authority to contact – and (b) although the Council had no comments to add to Forestry England’s consultation on plans for North Carlton, we should contact them about long-term involvement in potential developments at Scampton Cliff,  

1205-20 FINANCE – The meeting (a) approved the payments in the attached schedule, (b) noted that arrangements were in hand to acquire a debit card, (c) agreed that £30 000 should be invested in an Easy Access Account with Charity Bank and £4000 with a Building Society, (d) accepted the Audit report and approved plans to display the notice about it straight away and (e) on a proposal by Cllrs Sneath and Patterson, accepted in principle a quote of £24 per month for PAYE and HMRC audit and an offer to prepare the papers for audit at the year-end at a cost £140 + VAT.

1205-21 PLANNING – No new planning matters had arisen.

1205-22 NEXT MEETING – It was agreed that a brief meeting should be held on 9 January to clear any urgent business.


  • Village Signs
  • Law enforcement and speed awareness
  • Litter Picks
  • Web page and social media
  • Highways and footpaths
  • Bus Shelter Maintenance
  • Future of Scampton
  • IT and Plans for Projector
  • Health and Safety
  • Energy Report 
  • Community Social events
  • Policies
  • Future Plans.
  • District Councillor’s report
  • County Councillor’s report
  • Correspondence
  • Finance
  • Planning

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.40pm.