Present: Councillors C Bulteel (Chairman), C Sneath (Vice Chairman), J Rumble, K Baggott, M Newham, T Somerville, Mrs B Young (Clerk) and two members of the public were also present.
Apologies – Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr R Patterson, PCSO Julie McFaul also sent her apologies and sent in the following report for the last month:
1 x Abandoned call
1 incident that is not in the public’s interest.
Register of Members Interests Members of the Council were reminded that at any time during the meeting they could declare an interest.
The Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 1st June 2022 were proposed by Cllr. Rumble seconded Cllr. Somerville and agreed unanimously. They were signed by the Chairman as a true record of the meeting.
Open session The members of the public raised questions about dog fouling and the footpath, which will be covered under the relevant Minute point.
Litter Picks The litter pick due to be held in June had to be cancelled but another was being planned for September.
Closure of RAF Scampton Cllrs. Bulteel, Rumble, Somerville and Sneath had attended a meeting with DIO and it was confirmed that WLDC were looking to buy the whole site and were seeking a partner to work with them and work towards their master plan. There is a multi-Parish Council meeting being held on 25th July at 7.00 for 7.30 in the BSA Hall. The date for the planned WLDC Community Meeting is 15th September.
Footpath It was confirmed that Chris Marsh of Highways, Joe Winter, the property developer, residents and Parish Councillors would meet to try to establish the facts regarding the footpath and try to reach a resolution.
Dog Fouling The fouling on the pathway and grass through the new houses is getting worse. New no fouling signs had been obtained from WLDC and would be laminated and displayed to see if this improved the situation.
Electricity Supply The Clerk was still finding problems in locating a supplier for the electricity but had managed to get an email of somebody at Npower, who are still taking on MPAN customers, t see if they would accept us as customers. Cllr Newham would contact them to see if they could supply us. Cllr Sneath would contact LALC to see if Parish Councils can be classed as domestic users and see if highways had plans of the underground electricity wires and find out how many lines the lights are on.
Resignation of Cllr Baggott The Chairman said he was sad to receive the resignation letter from Cllr Baggott and thanked her for all her work for the Council. She said she was still an advocate of the Parish Council and would give help when her limited time allowed.
District Councillor’s report. – There was no report due to the absence of Cllr Patterson.
Correspondence -.
Invitation to a LIVES afternoon on Tuesday 19th July at the Epic Centre between 12.30 and 3.00.
Minerals and Waste Consultation.
Cllr Rumble was surprised that not one of the three schools, who had received Jubilee mugs had written to say thank you.
A list of questions was submitted by Louise Mills, this was discussed and Cllr Bulteel, as Chairmen of the sub-committee on the closure of RAF Scampton, would reply.
It was noted that the following payments had been made:
Terrance (Jubilee Mugs) £725.22
Terrance (Printing) £26.40
C Sneath (Refreshments) £11.56
Green Grass Contracting £269.40
E-On (Maintenance) £143.40
Clerk (Salary) £230.84
HMRC £130.60
Green Grass Contracting £134.40
Planning –
There were no planning applications this month.
Matters for the next Meeting
- Speed awareness
- Closure of RAF Scampton
- Footpath
- Electricity supply
- New Councillors/election
- Christmas lights
- IT equipment
- District Councillor’s report
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 1st September 2022 at 7.30pm in the BSA Hall, Aisthorpe.
Being no further business the meeting closed at 9.05pm.