Minutes from meeting 06.10.2022



Present:  Councillors C Bulteel (Chairman), C Sneath (Vice Chairman), R Patterson, M Newham, Kate Clewes-Garner, Mrs B Young (Clerk) and one member of the public was also present.


Apologies –were received and accepted from Cllrs J Rumble and T Somerville. PCSO Julie McFaul sent her apologies and reported the following incidents from the last month:

1 x Drugs - Estate

1 x concern for safety - Estate

1 x abandoned call - Village

1 x not in the interest of the public - Estate


Register of Members Interests Members of the Council were reminded that at any time during the meeting they could declare an interest.


The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 1st September 2022 were proposed by Cllr. Sneath, seconded Cllr. Patterson and agreed unanimously. They were signed by the Chairman as a true record of the meeting.


Open session Steve Ulyat suggested the wooden bus stop should be painted with water-based paints the brown stained wood was being degraded by wasps and hornets. He was asked to get price for the paint and it was agreed that it should be grey.


Speed Awareness  The last session of speed checking had to be cancelled due to illness. Following recent comments on Facebook about speeding several sessions would be arranged.


Litter Picks The last pick had been very successful. 15 people turned up and 14 bags of rubbish had been collected.


Closure of RAF Scampton and the future of Scampton Little has changed since the last meeting, although RAF Waddington has confirmed it is not interested in taking over either the gym or squash courts. The parties interested in partnering WLDC on the site have now been whittled down to three. It was agreed that a new public meeting would be arranged once the final choice had been made.


Footpath. Cllr Clewes-Garner declared an interest and took no part in the discussion. Due to the unwillingness of some of the interested parties to engage in discussions about the problems with the footpath, it was agreed that the Chairman would write to Cllr. Richard Davis of LCC expressing the concerns of the PC and copy it to WLDC.


Electricity Supply  Cllr Sneath and the Clerk are still trying to find a supplier for the electricity. The next option, of joining with either LCC or WLDC in their purchasing of electricity and re-imbursing them for the cost would be explored. A decision on what improvements to the street lights to undertake would be made would be deferred until the electricity supply was secured.


Parking at the entrance to the Camp – Cllr Butroid had been under the impression that the line painting would have been carried out as part of the recent programme. The proposal will have to go to public consultation. Cllr Sneath will check whether that is something we need to apply for.


Christmas Lights Jim Nicholson has kindly volunteered to maintain and install the Christmas lights on the tree in the village each year in memory of his wife Carol. For this he was thanked. It was proposed that a light switch on would be held at 3.30pm on 1st December. The children from Scampton C of E School would be asked to make decorations for the tree to be completed by 21st November. The school would also be asked if they would allow the school hall to be used for providing of refreshments. Members of our local Ukrainian Community would be invited to attend and turn on the lights.


IT Equipment. Cllr Somerfield had looked at the cost of purchasing IT equipment for the Parish Council to use at public meetings. It was proposed by Cllr Newham, seconded by Cllr Sneath and agreed unanimously that he source a suitable projector and screen.


Change of Meeting Times – It was proposed by Cllr Bulteel and seconded by Cllr Newham and agreed unanimously that as from November the time of the Parish Council Meeting be changed to 7.00pm.


Allocation of Duties – It was decided that Councillors would undertake the overseeing of specific areas of responsibility as below:

Cllr. Newham                         The Council Webpage


Cllr. Patterson                         Planning


Cllr Sneath                              Footpaths

                                                Speed Awareness

                                                Litter Picks

Cllr Somerfield                       IT

                                                Fixed Assets/Health and Safety

Cllr Rumble                            Social

Cllr Clewes-Garner                 Streetlights

                                                Christmas Tree

Cllr Bulteel                             Future of Scampton



District Councillor’s report. – Cllr Patterson had little to report except the Central Lincolnshire Plan was going to consultation.


Correspondence -.

  1. Invitation to LALC AGM and Conference 12th October 2022, Bentley Hotel, 9.30 – 4.00pm
  2. Cottam and Gate Burton 2nd phase consultation feedback.
  3. Tillbridge Solar Project feedback. Concerns were expressed over the plans and any comments should be sent to Cllr Bulteel by 21/10 and he will co-ordinate a response



It was noted that the following payments had been made:


Green Grass Contracting                                                                                            £269.40

Clerk                                                                                                                           £230.64

HMRC                                                                                                                        £130.80

Green Grass Contracting                                                                                            £134.70


The Clerk had ordered the poppy wreath. It was proposed by Cllr Sneath, seconded by Cllr Clewes-Garner that a donation of £50.00 be made to the Royal British Legion.


Planning –

04.10.22          #145586          Manor Farm, High Street, 3 detached dwellings. Cllr Patterson would investigate and respond on behalf of the Council.

05.10.22          #145598          4 Manor Farm Court, side, single storey extension- No observation


Matters for the next Meeting

  1. Speed awareness
  2. Closure of RAF Scampton
  3. Footpath
  4. Electricity supply
  5. Parking at the entrance to the Camp
  6. Christmas lights
  7. IT equipment
  8. Next year’s budget.
  9. District Councillor’s report


The next meeting will be held on Thursday 3rd November 2022 at 7.00pm in the BSA Hall, Aisthorpe.


Being no further business the meeting closed at 9.45pm.