Present:  Councillors C Bulteel (Chairman), C Sneath (Vice Chairman), J Rumble, R Patterson, M Newham, T Somerville, K Clewes-Garner, Mrs B Young (Clerk) and one member of the public was also present.
Apologies –There were no apologies.
Register of Members Interests Members of the Council were reminded that at any time during the meeting they could declare an interest.
The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 1st December 2022 were proposed by Cllr. Bulteel, seconded by Cllr. Somerville and agreed unanimously. They were signed by the Chairman as a true record of the meeting.
Open session Steve Ulyat reported that frequently there was a car speeding and making a lot of noise, which would be reported to our PCSO. He had looked at lamp post #2, following reports that it needed replacing, and could not see any major problem but would look at it using a ladder on a fine day. A drain cover upended by a passing vehicle had been replaced.
Law Enforcement and Speed Awareness- Cllr Sneath was aware that the speed camera at the top of the hill was not working and would be looking into it. No dates had yet been received from Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership for the training of new speed gun operatives. The Parish Council were looking a data to build a case for further speed reduction measures in the village.
Litter Picks – Cllr Sneath proposed dates for litter picking during the year. They were 12 or 26th March, 4th June, 3 or 10th September and 19 or 26th November.

Web Page and Social Media – Cllr Newham was attending a training next week and would then update the webpage.

Planning, Highways and Footpaths – Concern was expressed about the state of the footpath outside Lime Tree Cottage following the building work done there and the removal of a leylandii hedge. It would be reported on Fix My Street. Simon Smoothy would be contacted about the amount of leaves on the pavements, which had become slippery and dangerous. Mr and Mrs Elliott of The Old Parsonage provided copies of their application to WLDC for the erection of a new home in the grounds of their house. The Parish Council had no objections and would respond accordingly when the application was received from WLDC. There was concern expressed about the sewerage provision for the planned 3 new houses on the site of the old grain store. Cllr Patterson would look into the matter.
Footpaths (Cllr Clewes-Garner declared an interest and took no part in the discussion). No formal reply had been received from the developer, Joe Winter, and Cllr Butroid would be contacted regarding the issue.

Future of Scampton –There was nothing to report except there would be a meeting with WLDC on 23rd January, when they would announce their proposals. The inter Parish Council meeting would be held on 25th January 2023.

IT – A projector had been given on a long term loan so Cllr Somerville would look at purchasing a suitable sound system.

H&S – Cllr Sommerville reported that he was working on a Risk Assessment and hoped to have it completed by the next meeting.

Energy – There had been favourable comments about the Christmas Tree and the ceremony for the lighting up. It was hope to expand the ceremony next year. Following the refusal of LCC to agree to our proposals for the paying of our electricity through them, Cllr Clewes-Garner would investigate alternative suppliers and ways in which we could reduce our costs. She was sent relevant documentation by the Clerk.

Social- Cllr Rumble was thanked for hosting the Christmas get together for Councillors, it had been enjoyed by all. She was looking the possibility of having a garden party and possibly a film night.

District Councillor’s report – Cllr Patterson reported the rolling out of the grants for Village Halls and said the Councillor’s Initiative fund would come to an end in February prior to the elections.
Future Plans – Following on from the suggestions made last month the following ideas were added:
  • Christmas Fayre
  • Potential grass cutting and maintenance at Scampton Cliff (depending on outcome of the sale of the RAF site).
  • Cllr Bulteel felt that with the possible increase of responsibilities being taken on by the Parish Council the number of Parish Councillors should be increased. The Clerk would contact WLDC to find out the position.
These would be prioritized before the Annual Meeting when they would be presented to the public.
Correspondence – All had been circulated.
It was noted that the following payments had been made:
F B Young                                                                                                                  £230.64
HMRC                                                                                                                        £130.80
E. On (Maintenance)                                                                                                   £143.40
Planning –
None received this month
Matters for the next Meeting
Law Enforcement and Speed AwarenessLitter Picks
Web Page and Social Media
Planning, Highways and Footpaths
Future of Scampton
Future Plans
District Councillor’s report
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 2nd February 2023 at 7.00pm in the BSA Hall, Aisthorpe.
Being no further business the meeting closed at 8.40pm.
Signed                                                                          Date