Present:  Councillors R Patterson (Chairman), C Sneath (Vice Chairman), C Bulteel, K Baggott,  M Newham, J Rumble, and Mrs B Young (Clerk). PCSO Julie McFaul and 4 members of the public were also present.


Apologies – Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr T Somerville.


PCSO Julie McFaul reported the following incidents:

  • Reports of a whippet dog in a field in Scampton possibly hare coursing. Police couldn’t trace it. Any suspicions of hare coursing and you should phone 999.
  • Two dogs lose on the High Street in Scampton, the owner was located.
  • There was an ASB dispute over parking.


Register of Members Interests Members of the Council were reminded that at any time during the meeting they could declare an interest.


The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 3rd February 2022 were proposed by Cllr. Patterson, seconded by Cllr. Bulteel and agreed unanimously. They were signed by the Chairman as a true record of the meeting.


Open session


  • A member of the public expressed concerns about the parking outside the Dambusters pub, as it was now occurring on both sides of the road. The police confirmed that the parking slowed the traffic but if there was not enough space to allow emergency vehicles through the gap they should be contacted.
  •  There was also a query about the burning of rubbish on the site of the barn. As this was private property there was nothing the Parish Council could do but if plastic is being burnt it is an environmental issue the WLDC should be contacted.
  • The question of speeding was also raised – please see item below.
  •  Cllr Bulteel updated the public on the current situation regarding the closure of RAF Scampton. It was suggested that we apply to have a Neighbourhood Plan and it was proposed by Cllrs Newham and Rumble and agreed unanimously that we look into pursuing this. It was asked what community assets were on the “wanted list.” RAF Waddington is taking on most of the assets but the Parish Council would look at acquiring the green spaces but this would require maintenance of about £20,000 per annum, which would necessitate a substantial rise in the precept. The first public meeting was expected to be held towards the end of April/beginning of May. Someone suggested it as a potential Solar Farm, the PC has no control over this at all and all queries should be addressed to Edward Leigh.


Speed Awareness/Speed Indicators/siting of the signs- There had been a speed monitoring session on 26th January between 9.30 and 10.30am. Out of a total of 194 vehicles 4 were speeding. Graham Butler of Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership had advised on the position of the SID boards and the placing of another pole at RAF Scampton for a SID. The SID boards would have to be solar powered as the mains wired ones were too heavy.


Queen’s Trees – Due to the advice from Highways and the inability to find any suitable sites for the planting of trees in the village it was agreed to purchase just one specimen tree, possible to be planted in the churchyard.


Litter Picks The litter pick planned for 10th April would be publicised on the Facebook pages.


Closure of RAF Scampton Here is a report from the Joint Strategic Planning Committee Meeting held on 28th February:


The meeting began with an overall view of the whole plan (250 pages worth)


There were a few questions concerning the location of some wind turbines, in an area, which were answered by the chairman.  Interestingly wind turbines have to be at least 600 metres from the nearest inhabited dwelling.  Whilst talking about this they mentioned that Neighbourhood Plans are important to take into account. (something we are now looking at)


There was an amendment proposed by Lincolnshire County Council, Cllr Davie, who wanted to take out all the proposals for wind turbines, in the County.  There was a very heated debate amongst the whole planning committee, where it was pointed out that only brown site areas were being considered for the erection of these turbines.  It was pointed out that this amendment should have been mentioned earlier in the consultation process.


A vote was taken and rejected, and Cllr Wright was defeated, and he said he would then take it to the Planning Inspector.


The only other point brought up was RAF Scampton.  Where Cllr Cotton reiterated the fact that there was very little planned in this document for RAF Scampton.  He said that, as a Council, they were not going to have the same thing happening at Scampton,  that had happened at Helmswell, Brockenby, Faldingworth and Toft Newton.  They had learnt a lot from these bases closing, but a lot more was needed this time.  He said that the planners needed to know more details, including:-


Which areas were good for development

Which of the buildings could be saved and which not

The Historic value of the site

The Air Space

The contamination problems

There should be sympathetic housing


They could not include any real details in this plan as they had no access to the site.

Once they knew what the MOD intending to do they could and should do a full site survey.



They were all trying to understand the knock on effect of the base closing, especially the future of the A15, and the traffic difficulties.


He thought the Secretary of State might to be able to steer them in the right direction, as they were all working in the dark, due to the lack of information coming from the MOD


It was said that as the site would be vacated by the RAF by the time the next large scale plan for the area was coming up for renewal, that they would have a detailed idea of what could be achieved.


The whole plan was voted on  -  8 for   3 Ab  0 against.


After the meeting we spoke to Rachael Hughes about the latest position.  She said she thought that an open meeting would be good and Shay Towns would probably be able to attend.  She was even more frustrated as they just couldn’t get information out of the MOD. Rachael and her team are working hard to get the information they needed.


We then asked to be introduced to Cllr Cotton (who brought up the points earlier) which was very informative.  He has the showground in his district and therefore is very interested in what happens at Scampton. He said he was very worried about the A15 and contamination on the site. e hj He said he didn’t want to tread on Rogers’ toes, but to contact him if we needed any help at all.  He is a good person to have on our side, as he’s on the actual planning committee.


It was interesting to see how the council works, and how things are done at that level, and it was good to hear that they were just as concerned about the MOD leaving Scampton as we are.


Chris Sneath

Jane Rumble”


Also see above Open Session. There were no further developments.


Footpath and the Village Green – There was no update.


Parking at RAF Scampton – It was pointed out that the tarmac was owned by the MOD but it was suggested by Steve Hudson that the Parish Council write to the traffic regulations office.


Platinum Jubilee Celebrations – Nothing had been heard about the Community Grant Fund yet. A public meeting would be held on 17th March at 7.30pm in Scampton C of E School to finalise a plan for the day and to enlist helpers.


E-On Maintenance -  It was proposed by Cllr Bulteel that E-On be asked to carry out the PAT testing of the street lights (a legal requirement every 6years) and that at the same time they would look to see which lamps were suitable to be converted to LED bulbs. Seconded by Cllr Rumble and agreed unanimously.


Annual Meeting It was proposed that this be held on Wednesday 1st June at Pollyplatt School at 7.30pm. The Clerk would book the hall


District Councillor’s report. The WLDC budget will be set next month.



Drax Power – looking for us to renew our contract to supply electricity

LALC Training Costs – It was decided not to pay the charges this year, just to pay for any training undertaken.

Letter from Village Venture explaining due to the increase in printing costs it would be necessary to charge Parish Councils £220pa to put a one page article in the magazine. It was decided not to do this as the majority of Scampton Parish didn’t receive the publication but to pay when we needed to promote an event.

The defibrillator pads were going out of date and it was agreed that new pads should be purchased.

It was proposed by Cllr Bulteel that 240 Jubilee mugs should be bought for the staff and children in the two schools. This was seconded by Cllr Baggott and agreed unanimously.




It was noted that the following payments had been made:

Drax    (January)                                                                                                £78.29

McNally Cleaning Ltd                                                                                      £90.00

LALC Subscription                                                                                         £282.97

E-On Maintenance                                                                                             £83.16



Planning –

144469 – 02.03.22 – The Orchard, High Street – Garage conversion and First Floor extension and other alterations. No Observations.



Matters for the next Meeting


  1. Speed awareness
  2. Queen’s trees
  3. Litter picks
  4. Closure of RAF Scampton
  5. Footpath
  6. Parking at RAF Scampton
  7. Platinum Jubilee Celebrations.
  8. Code of Conduct
  9. Annual Meeting.
  10. District Councillor’s report


The next meeting will be held on Thursday 7th April 2022 at 7.30pm in the BSA Hall, Aisthorpe e.


Being no further business the meeting closed at 9.10pm




Signed                                                                          Date