Minutes for 02.12.2021



Present:  Councillors C Sneath (Vice Chairman), C Bulteel, K Taylor, M Newham, J Rumble, T Somerville and Mrs B Young (Clerk). There was one member of the public present.


Apologies – Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs R Patterson, and.  PCSO Julie McFaul also sent her apologies.


Register of Members Interests Members of the Council were reminded that at any time during the meeting they could declare an interest.


The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 4th November 2021 were proposed by Cllr. Sneath, seconded by Cllr .Somerville and agreed unanimously. They were signed by the Vice-Chairman as a true record of the meeting.


Open session – Steve Ulyat reported that he was still waiting for a response to his inquiry regarding the rewilding of the verges.


Speed Awareness/Speed Indicators/siting of the signs- A session had been held in Brattleby between 10.00 and 11.00am. There were 166 vehicles and 6 of them were doing speeds between 46 and 50mph. They would be getting a warning letter from the road safety partnership.


Queen’s Trees – No further information was available.


Litter Picks A litter pick at RAF Scampton had been held on 21st November. 8 people turned up and collected 8 bags of rubbish. At the February meeting the Parish Council would sort out dates for litter picks for 2022.


Closure of RAF Scampton Cllrs Bulteel and Sneath had attended an Engagement meeting. It looks as if Waddington are now taking on responsibility for the shop, school, Muga and will retain about 160 of the houses, although about 60 might be sold to Annington but then more would be needed. The West Lindsey Plan will be published next April and by then the Parish Council needs to have put on the Community Assets Register the land that they would be interested in. It would not bind us to anything but would mean it had to be offered to us first at a reduced rate. We would need to investigate how much the maintenance of the land would cost.

There are talks of the A15 becoming the Trans Midland Roadway, stretching from the Humber to The Midlands. This would affect the area as the road would have to be improved.

The drawdown of the station has started. Once buildings are empty they are handed back to the DIO for sale. We need to make sure our views are heard by engagement with WLDC, DIO and LCC.


Footpath and the Village Green -

There were still issues to be clarified and Cllr Sneath would contact Highways again to ask them to come to talk to her.


Parking at RAF Scampton

There were concerns about the parking, particularly when there is football being played, about the backing up of traffic onto the A15. Overnight parking was also happening near the tennis courts and it meant that busses were unable to turn round. Cllr Sneath would take this matter up with Highways when they come out.


District Councillor’s report – No report




Drax Power – looking for us to renew our contract to supply electricity – Cllr Bulteel would contact them to have the figures clarified.

Anglian Water offering a priority service for the vulnerable. Information can be found by phoning 07971579, email partnerships@anglianwater.co.uk or fill in an online form.

Cllr Patterson forwarded information about the Platinum Jubilee Community Fund

Citizen’s Advice Bureau requesting funding. This was not supported at this time.




It was noted that the following payments had been made:

Drax    (October)                                                                                                £74.56

E-On (Maintenance)                                                                                           £83.16


The precept for next was agreed and the application papers were signed.



Planning –


No planning matters this month


Matters for the next Meeting


  1. Speed awareness
  2. Queen’s trees
  3. Litter picks
  4. Closure of RAF Scampton
  5. Footpath
  6. Parking at RAF Scampton
  7. Platinum Jubilee Fund.
  8. District Councillor’s report



The next meeting will be on Thursday 3rd February 2022 at 7.30pm n the BSA Hall, Aisthorpe.


Being no further business the meeting closed at 8.56 pm.




Signed                                                                          Date