Minutes for 05.05.2022



Present:  Councillors R Patterson (Chairman), C Sneath (Vice Chairman), C Bulteel, J Rumble, M Newham, T Somerville, Mrs B Young (Clerk) and one member of the public was also present.


Apologies – Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr K Baggott, PCSO Julie McFaul also sent her apologies.


Register of Members Interests Members of the Council were reminded that at any time during the meeting they could declare an interest.


The Chairman stood down and the Clerk received nominations for the position of Chairman, there were three nominations but only one person accepted the nomination. It was therefore proposed by Cllr Rumble, seconded Cllr Patterson and agreed unanimously that Cllr Bulteel be elected Chairman of the Parish Council.


Nominations for Vice Chairman There were two nominations for the position of Vice Chairman but only one accepted the nomination. It was proposed by Cllr Newham, seconded Cllr Bulteel and agreed unanimously that Cllr Sneath be elected Vice Chairman.


The retiring Chairman, Cllr Patterson was thanked for all his hard work for the Parish Council over the last three years and Cllr Bulteel took over as Chairman.


The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 7th April 2022 were proposed by Cllr. Sneath seconded Cllr. Rumble and agreed unanimously. They were signed by the Chairman as a true record of the meeting.


Open session – Steve Ulyat reported that the bus shelter needed treatment, which would be done in the near future. A risk assessment would be carried out by Cllr Somerville and Steve Ulyat.


Speed Awareness/Speed Indicators/siting of the signs- The three new speed sign indicators had been installed and appeared to be working well and padlocks had been fitted to them all. Cllr Sneath and Steve Ulyat were thanked for installing them. The next speed check would be at RAF Scampton.


Litter Picks The litter pick was held in April which 17 people attended and 10 bags of litter collected,


Closure of RAF Scampton WLDC expression of interest to purchase RAF Scampton through e-PIMS had been submitted. A walk had been undertaken by some members of the committee, Neil Atkins, St Cdr and two members of  DIO to look at areas that might be of of interest to the PC. Cllr Somerville had obtained quote for ground maintenance of the land that might be taken over by the PC. Cllr Bulteel and Cllr Rumble would be meeting Sir Edward Leigh to see where he could help. There is to be a meeting on 27th June at Pollyplatt School, between residents, Air Force, DIO, WLDC, LCC and Annington, Prime and County Way management companies and another on 23rd May for the Parish Council and other surrounding Parish Councils.


Footpath and the Village Green – Cllr Sneath suggested that Cllr Bulteel and Cllr Someville visit the site to review the situation.   


Parking at RAF Scampton – Highways were investigating our request for yellow lines on Scampton Way. The car park is owned by Annington Homes and the Clerk would write a letter regarding the overnight parking of lorries there.


Platinum Jubilee Celebrations – The price of the tickets for the celebrations was questioned and the Clerk said she would take the matter back to the church committee.


Social Media Platforms Following advice from LALC the posting of events on the Parish Council Facebook Page was discussed. It was proposed by Cllr Bulteel, seconded Cllr Somerville and agreed unanimously that only community events, which were non profit making and could not be construed as political could be posted.


Annual Parish Meeting – The meeting would be held on 1st June at 7.30pm in the BSA Hall, as Pollyplatt School was unavailable due to it being half term.


District Councillor’s report. – Cllr Patterson reported on the updates from the offer WLDC had made for RAF Scampton. A map showing the extent of the solar farm proposal was also discussed. WLDC Annual Council meeting was scheduled to take place on Monday 9th May.


Correspondence - Email from Neil Haire thanking the Parish Council for the new speed sign indicators, as he felt that they were making a difference to the speed of the traffic through the village.




It was noted that the following payments had been made:

Green Grass Contracting                                                                                £134.70

Drax Power                                                                                                     £227.00


The Clerk explained the difficulty she was having trying to find a company to supply electricity for the street lights in the village. She would speak to E-On, who provided the maintenance contract, and see if they could help.


The Annual Governance Statement was completed


The Annual Accounting Statement was examined.


The unaudited accounts (due to our accountant having Covid) were presented.


All these three items were proposed by Cllr Bulteel, seconded by Cllr Somerville and agreed unanimously. The Clerk would present the auditor’s report next month,


The Insurance was due for renewal. It was proposed by Cllr Sneath, seconded Cllr Newham and agreed unanimously the premium of £403.90 be paid by the Clerk.


Planning –

Application 21.04.22 - 144726 St John the Baptist, Scampton. Replacement of plain glass window with a stained glass window commemorating the 617 Squadron.  No observation.





Matters for the next Meeting

  1. Speed awareness
  2. Closure of RAF Scampton
  3. Footpath
  4. Platinum Jubilee Celebrations.
  5. District Councillor’s report


The next meeting  The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 1st June 2022 at 7.00pm in the BSA Hall, Aisthorpe followed by the Annual Parish Meeting starting at 7.30pm.


Being no further business the meeting closed at 9.15pm




Signed                                                                          Date