Present:  Councillors C Bulteel (Chairman), C Sneath (Vice Chairman), R Patterson, J Rumble, M Newham, T Somerville, Mrs B Young (Clerk) and one member of the public was also present.
Apologies – Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr K Clewes-Garner.
Register of Members Interests Members of the Council were reminded that at any time during the meeting they could declare an interest.
The Chairman stood down and the Clerk received nominations for the position of Chairman. There was only one person nominated and that was Cllr Bulteel. It was therefore proposed by Cllr Rumble, seconded Cllr Sneath and agreed unanimously that Cllr Bulteel be elected Chairman of the Parish Council. He then took over as Chair of the Meeting.
Nominations for Vice Chairman There was one nomination for the position of Vice Chairman, Cllr Sneath. It was proposed by Cllr Bulteel, seconded by Cllr Patterson and agreed unanimously that Cllr Sneath be elected Vice Chairman.
The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 6th April 2023 were proposed by Cllr. Sneath seconded by Cllr. Patterson and agreed unanimously. They were signed by the Chairman as a true record of the meeting.
Open session – there were no matters raised.
Law Enforcement and Speed Awareness – Cllr Sneath reported there had been one speed monitoring session held at Scampton Cliff when of 139 monitored 1 was doing 36mph. It was agreed that once the downloaded figures from the speed sign indicators were completed the information would be uploaded onto the website. It was reported that we had been receiving excellent support from the Police for all our recent activities and meetings.
Litter Picks The next litter pick is confirmed as 4th June. John Ferguson (RAF Waddington) was unable to confirm whether we would be able to access any facilities to be able to provide refreshments.
Web page and Social Media -Many thanks were given to Cllr Newham for all her hard work. It was agreed that in future all items on the PC Facebook page be sent to a central source for uploading. I was agreed that no numbers, except that of the Clerk, be shown anywhere. It was also agreed that all residents needed to be kept informed of developments and dates of meetings.
Highways and Footpaths – Speed limits are being brought down generally and the request for the reduction of speed limits and additional yellow lines in the Parish have been sent to Graham Butler, who has forwarded them to Highways. They have confirmed the requests are in the system and that they will look at the feasibility of the changes. Due to the inability of the Parish Council to find a solution to the problem of the footpath behind the 617 Court the Clerk would ask LALC to come to talk to the Councillors about what they can do as a Council.
Closure of RAF Scampton Due to the closure of the base and the shop there was nowhere for the Parish Council to display notices. It was therefore proposed by Cllr Newham, seconded by Cllr Somerville and agreed unanimously that a new notice board be bought for Scampton Cliff. Until a suitable site was identified the board would be placed on Cllr Rumble’s fence.
There had been a focus group meeting organised by the Home Office, regarding the refugees arrival at Scampton, had been well attended but Minutes of the Meeting had not been produced and there had been no progress. Major issues had been raised and the Parish Council were doing as much as it could to highlight the issues that concerned the residents.
IT – Cllr Somerville reported that the purchase of an amplifier for use by the Parish Council was being investigated.
Risk Assessment – Issues raised by the Clerk in the Risk Assessment were discussed and agreed. Cllr Somerville would update the document and present it for agreement at the next meeting.
Energy Supplies– Grant White, WLDC, was in the process of setting up a meeting with Scampton PC and Scampton Cliff to try to sort out the problem of the street lights.
Solar Power – Nothing further to report.
Community Social Events – Following the success of the Dambusters Event, it was agreed that the PC would look at making this an annual event. A flypast of the Lancaster would be requested. The Christmas tree light up is being organised for 2nd December and Charlie Hebborn, Head of Scampton C of E Primary School has kindly agreed that the car park and the hall can be used. Stalls for the event have already been booked. The PC is trying to obtain sponsorship for a tree at Scampton Cliff.
Future Plans – No update
Policies – Several Policies were discussed and they will be brought to the next meeting for verification and approval. Cllr Newham proposed that LALC be asked to audit our policies. This was seconded by Cllr Bulteel and agreed unanimously. She was thanked for all her hard work on these.
Annual Parish Meeting – The meeting will be held on 1st June at 7.00pm in the BSA Hall, Aisthorpe. Refreshments will be provided.
District Councillor’s report. – Cllr Patterson reported that after the election WLDC was a hung Council. There were 18 Liberal Councillors, 14 Conservative and 4 Independent. He said that there is a planning application for the removal of Guy Gibson’s dog from Scampton. If anyone wishes to comment it is application No. 146711. Cllr Bulteel will reply on behalf of the PC.
Correspondence – There is no correspondence that has not been circulated.
It was noted that the following payments had been made:
Green Grass Contracting        £168.36
Green Grass Contracting        £168.36                                             
Drax Power                             £241.17                                                                                             
A receipt of £619.55 had been received from WLDC as a Community Infrastructure Levy.
The Annual Governance Statement was completed
The Annual Accounting Statement was examined.
The audited accounts were presented.
It was proposed that PLM Bookkeeping be appointed Internal Auditor for the Year 2023-2024
All these four items were proposed by Cllr Bulteel, seconded by Cllr Sneath and agreed unanimously.
The Insurance was due for renewal. It was proposed by Cllr Sneath, seconded Cllr Newham and agreed unanimously the premium of £429.26 be paid by the Clerk.
Matters for the next Meeting
Law enforcement and speed awareness
Litter picks
Web page and social media
Highways and footpaths
Future of Scampton
Risk Assessment
Energy/Solar Farms
Community social events
Future plans
District Councillor’s report
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 1st June 2022 at 7.00pm in the BSA Hall, Aisthorpe and will be the Annual Parish Meeting.
Being no further business the meeting closed at 9.47pm