The next meeting of Scampton Parish Council will be held on Thursday 6 March 2025 at 7.00pm in the BSA Hall, Aisthorpe
- Apologies for absence
- Reminder about Declarations of Interest.
- Open Session.
- Minutes of last meeting.
- Village Signs (Height reduction)
- Law enforcement and speed awareness
- Litter Picks
- Web page and social media
- Highways and footpaths (Grit bin and grass cutting)
- New Notice Boards.
- Bus Shelter Maintenance (Colour)
- Future of Scampton (Neighbourhood Plan)
- IT and Plans for Projector (Council Computer)
- Health and Safety
- Energy Report
- Community Social events (Fireworks and Christmas event)
- Policies (Social media, Expenses and Health & Safety)
- Future Plans. (Community Skips)
- District Councillor’s report
- County Councillor’s report
- Correspondence
- Finance (Payments)
- Planning (13 Suffolk Road, 29 High Street and confirmation of action on 11 High Street)