The next meeting of Scampton Parish Council will be held on Thursday 6 March 2025 at 7.00pm in the BSA Hall, Aisthorpe




  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Reminder about Declarations of Interest.
  3. Open Session.
  4. Minutes of last meeting.
  5. Village Signs (Height reduction)
  6. Law enforcement and speed awareness
  7. Litter Picks
  8. Web page and social media
  9. Highways and footpaths (Grit bin and grass cutting)
  10. New Notice Boards.
  11. Bus Shelter Maintenance (Colour)
  12. Future of Scampton (Neighbourhood Plan)
  13. IT and Plans for Projector (Council Computer)
  14. Health and Safety
  15. Energy Report 
  16. Community Social events (Fireworks and Christmas event)
  17. Policies (Social media, Expenses and Health & Safety)
  18. Future Plans. (Community Skips)
  19. District Councillor’s report
  20. County Councillor’s report
  21. Correspondence
  22. Finance (Payments)
  23. Planning (13 Suffolk Road, 29 High Street and confirmation of action on 11 High Street)