Present: Councillors R Patterson (Chairman) C Sneath (Vice Chairman), J Rumble, C Bulteel, K Taylor, T Somerville and Mrs B Young (Clerk). Three members of the public were also present.
Apologies – Apologies were received from PCSO Julie McFaul, who sent in the following report:
5 x Covid Breaches
3 x incidents that are not for the public’s interest.
17/2/21 – Hare-coursing on Tillbridge Lane – no trace of vehicle or person(s)
16/2/21 – 2 x incidents on Scampton est re: a vehicle following children, after police enquiries there was no child that was followed.
Register of Members Interests Members of the Council were reminded that at any time during the meeting they could declare an interest.
The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 3rd December 2020 were proposed by Cllr. Patterson, seconded by Cllr. Sneath and agreed unanimously. They will be signed by the Chairman in due course.
Open session Steve Ulyat reported that the removal of a tree at 3 High Street had caused damage to the pavement. The Clerk would investigate and write to Lockwood’s if it was thought to be a safety issue.
Speed Awareness Cllr. Sneath reported that she was in the process of purchasing an additional set of speed signs for Scampton Way but needed confirmation that the road was adopted, (it is as far as the bus shelter). People who had volunteered to undertake the training were assured that, due to safety concerns, they would not be utilised close to their homes.
Community Awards Cllr Rumble had offered the services of her husband, a graphic designer, in designing a certificate for the Community Awards. The Clerk would produce a nomination form for approval.
Zoom – Cllr Bulteel was thanked for setting up the Zoom account for the Parish Council and would be reimbursed for the cost.
Closure of RAF Scampton
The Scampton Parish Council, Scampton Development Subcommittee (SDS) established to review all factors that might affect the community as the MOD dispose of RAF Scampton, held its first meeting, 2 Mar 21, via Zoom. The DIO Assessment Study, originally due to be published, Jul 21, has been delayed until the end of the year. However, WLDC have agreed that the monthly officer liaison meetings between WLDC, LCC and DIO will continue whilst the assessment is completed. Members expressed concern that the PC were not being invited to attend these meetings as it would seem to be essential if the PC are to understand DIO and District/Local Council plans for the future of RAF Scampton. The SDS discussed a forward plan to review potential assets that might be passed to the PC as part of the drawdown of RAF Scampton. The SDS agreed to arrange a meeting with the RAF Scampton Community Development Officer, Gill Angel, to discuss these assets.
Council Positions Postponed until later in the meeting.
Footpath – After a meeting between Steve Ulyat and Simon Newman over concerns about the footpath behind the new development, the Clerk will write to the developers expressing the concerns of the Parish Council.
Councillors Training – The subscription to the Annual Training Scheme has been paid and the Clerk would contact LALC regarding available dates,
District Councillor’s report – Cllr. Patterson reported a full meeting of the Council had been held and due to the loss of more than £4,000,000 in funding from central government their portion if the Council Tax was being raised by £5.00 for the coming year. The elections on 6th May will be for County Councillors and the Police and Crime Commissioner. The Crime Commissioner was unsure whether panic alarms were currently funded but if they were that would continue and if not they would be funded out of the “Proceeds of Crime” money.
There will be an increase in police in Lincolnshire and each Neighbourhood team will now have a PC as well as a PCSO.
WLDC are getting a 6% return on their investments, which is being used for community benefit. The review of the National Planning Policy Framework is due to finish on 27th March. As from 07.05.21 face to face meetings must be held as the provision for virtual meetings runs out then.
Correspondence –
An email from Joe Bartrop asking if the Parish Council was prepared to be in partnership with the church and school in their application to the National Heritage Lottery for funding to make the church into a community asset as well as a church. This was proposed by Cllr Patterson, seconded by Cllr Bulteel and agreed unanimously.
It was noted that the following payments had been made:
Haven Power (January) £74.56
E-On (Maintenance) £116.09
LALC Subscription £284.54
LALC Training Subscription £120.00
B Young (Microsoft Subscription) £59.99
HMRC £105.80
BSA Hall £10.00
Planning –
142207 – 11-01.2021 Gelders Ltd - Application to extend construction company site. Outline planning permission granted 16.02.21
Matters for the next Meeting
Speed awareness
Community Awards
Litter picks
Closure of RAF Scampton
Community Conversation
District Councillor’s report
The Council then moved into closed session to discuss a possible vacancy on the Council.
The next meeting will be on Thursday 1st April 2021 at 7.30pm either in the BSA Hall, Aisthorpe or via Zoom to comply with the latest Covid 19 guidelines.
Being no further business the meeting closed at 20.53pm.
Signed Date