ATTENDANCE   Cllrs. Bulteel (Chairman), Sneath (Vice-Chairman), Patterson and Rumble with Brian Elliott (who had agreed to take the minutes) and one other member of the public.

APOLOGIES –Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs Newham, Somerville and Thompson.


Members of the Council were reminded that at any time during the meeting they could declare an interest.

0606-01 MINUTES - The minutes of the 15 May meeting were accepted as a true record. 

0606-02 APPOINTMENT OF NEW CLERK – Cllr Sneath reported on discussions with the former Clerk which had included the transfer of keys for the notice board, grass cutting and expected CIL receipts of £2000 and £600 respectively.

The main issues were financial where Cllr Somerville will be asked to update the list of fixed assets, Cllr Rumble planned to provide someone to undertake the quarterly financial check and it was hoped Cllr Newham could take over PAYE formalities.

As for banking, it was agreed that all Counsellors should be bank account signatories but just three people would be authorised for online banking activity.

Finally, it was resolved to advertise the vacancy in the usual places plus either the local press or Village Venture.     Action as highlighted in bold.

0606-03 TWINNING WITH MOHNESSEE – Nothing to report.

0606-04 VILLAGE SIGNS – Samples of the materials expected to be used were now being sought.

0606-05 LAW ENFORCEMENT AND SPEED AWARENESS – Discussion took place on the possibility of a further Speed Indicator Device in the centre of the village and Cllr Sneath also reported that she was seeking help downloading data from one of the existing devices.

0606-06 LITTER PICK – A litter pick will take place on Sunday 9 June for which £10 had been spent for refreshments.

0606-07 WEB PAGE AND SOCIAL MEDIA – There was nothing new to report on this topic.

0606-08 HIGHWAYS AND FOOTPATHS – Work on three specific footpath improvements were in hand although the delay dealing with the path adjacent to the northern end of 617 Court was causing frustration.

In addition, remedial work would be requested for loose bricks on the A15/Tillbridge Lane roundabout and in tidying the traffic dividing island where the Scampton Cliff access road joins the A15 - and where visibility improvements are also needed.

0606-09 FUTURE OF SCAMPTON - Cllr Bulteel will approach West Lindsey Council and the RAF about making the football field area more suitable for children to use. Action Cllr Bulteel.

0606-10  IT – The sound system equipment was working satisfactorily and its installation would be the next step.

0606-11 HEALTH AND SAFETY – Nothing fresh to report. 

0606-12 NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN – It was proposed by Cllr Bulteel and seconded by Cllr Patterson that the application for a £10,000 Locality Grant should go ahead as a prelude to the creation of a Neighbourhood Plan.

Cllr Patterson will also ask Ingham Council to provide advice about how best to go about the task. Action Cllr Patterson

0606-13 COMMUNITY SOCIAL EVENTS – Cllr Rumble reported on the Christmas Social Event on 30 November for which the band had been booked but some refreshment arrangements and a possible Santa’s Grotto remained to be finalised.

She also presented a list of other possible events, and it was agreed that she should ask (via social media) which of those ideas appealed most. Action Cllr Rumble

0606-14 JUBILEE TREE WALK – Fertilizer and feed for the trees had been ordered and some would be applied during the rest of the year. - Action Cllr Rumble

0606-15 FUTURE PLANS – It was doubtful whether a Christmas tree the size on the one planned for Scampton Cliff could be kept for use in succeeding years.

0606-16 DISTRICT COUNCILLOR - Cllr Patterson reported that changes in the political allegiances of elected members had triggered revisions to the membership and chairing of Council Committees - and Cllr Patterson himself had returned to the Planning Committee.

0606-17 COUNTY COUNCILLOR – Cllr Butroid was not present at the meeting.

0606-18 CORRESPONDENCE - In response to a letter from Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils, it was decided to join the Association’s Annual Training Scheme (at a cost of £150) to save money on upcoming courses.

 0606-19 FINANCE – No finance details were available at this point.    

0606-20 PLANNING - Cllr Bulteel had attended a West Lindsey Council Planning Committee meeting to make representations about the proposals for the Northumberland Avenue site, but it was obvious that more input was needed. 


  • Village Signs
  • Law enforcement and speed awareness
  • Litter Picks
  • Web page and social media
  • Highways and footpaths
  • Future of Scampton
  • IT
  • Health and Safety
  • Community Social events
  • Policies
  • Jubilee Tree walk
  • Future Plans.
  • District Councillor’s report
  • County Councillor’s report
  • Correspondence
  • Finance
  • Planning


0606-22 DATE OF NEXT MEETING – The next meeting will be held on Thursday 11th July 2024 at 7.00pm in the BSA Hall, Aisthorpe.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.05pm.