Present:  Councillors R Patterson (Chairman), Ms C Sneath (Vice Chairman), Cllr K Taylor and Mrs B Young (Clerk). Prospective Councillors J Rumble, M Newman and C Bulteel and one member of the public also attended.

Apologies Were received and accepted from Cllr S Plews.

Resignation Cllr Adam Stead had resigned from the Parish Council and he was thanked for all his hard work over the last few years and would be missed on the Council.

PCSO Julie McFaul reported on 22/06/20 a caravan was dumped in 4th Avenue at 18.45 and was later taken away by 3 men. Speeding tickets had also been issued. She also said that the app Next Door was going to replace Lincsalert, although she would carry on using it.

Register of Members Interests Members of the Council were reminded that at any time during the meeting they could declare an interest.

The Chairman stood down  and the Clerk invited nominations for the position of Chairman of the Parish Council. Cllr R Patterson was nominated by Cllr Sneath, seconded by Cllr Taylor and agreed unanimously.

The Chairman  then invited nominations for the post of Vice-Chairman. Cllr Sneath was proposed by Cllr Taylor, seconded by Cllr Patterson and agreed unanimously.

The Minutes of the Extra Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 20th March 2020 were proposed by Cllr Sneath, seconded by Cllr Taylor and agreed unanimously.

VE Day Celebrations –Due to the Coronavirus the event had had to be postponed. It would be rescheduled once larger gatherings could be held.

Litterbins for the Estate After discussion it was agreed that several smaller bins, in more locations,  suitable for general and dog waste would be more appropriate. The position of the bins would be finalised at the next meeting and then the order placed. It was agreed unanimously to provide funding for the litter pick on the estate.


Battery for the defibrillator_ Graham Roy, who maintains the defibrillator on behalf of the Parish Council has phoned to say that we need a new battery. The Clerk asked him to order one on our behalf.

Speed Camera Training The paperwork has been submitted to Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership for processing once they return to work.

Church Bells After a discussion about the bells it was agreed that Cllr Sneath would talk to Joe Bartrop, who had done the leaflet drop to see if the camp had been included in this, as it was their church as well. The feeling was that the Council would discuss this matter at a future meeting and no decision was made on the request for a donation towards the costs of providing an electronic bell system.

Vacancies on the Parish Council/ Sub committee Cllr Patterson then explained the anomalies of the Parish Council and explained that there would be positions for those who did not become councillors to be involved with the Assets Group. They would be looking at the assets of the RAF and which ones the community wanted to take on. They would report to the Council at each meeting.

Closure of RAF Scampton – There have been meetings between Janet Clark (Community Lincs), Open Plan, WLDC and any other interested parties via Zoom but not further developments.

District Councillor’s report – There had been both Planning and District Council meetings via Zoom. Grants received from the Government for business support had been distributed very quickly.


  1. Request for funding from LIVES. It was proposed by Cllr Sneath, Seconded by Cllr Taylor and agreed unanimously that a donation of £200 be made to LIVES.
  2. Contacted by someone regarding fast fibre broadband for Scampton, who will be coming to talk to us in November.
  3. Janet Clark had sent out some emails regarding Social Isolating and these would be forwarded to all Councillors.
  4. Local Electricity bill – had been sent to Cllr Plews, who would report next time.


It was noted that the following payments had been made:

Haven Power (March)                                                                                     £74.56

Haven Power (April)                                                                                         £72.15

Green Grass Contracting                                                                                £125.99

Green Grass Contracting                                                                                £125.99

E-On Maintenance                                                                                            £83.16

Zurich Insurance                                                                                             £396.62

Haven Power (May)                                                                                        £74.56

Haven Power (June)                                                                                        £74.56

Derek Clark                                                                                                     £55.00

Green Grass Contracting                                                                                £251.98                                                               

The Clerk and HMRC had also been paid.

The Clerk then presented the audited accounts for the year 01.04.2019 to 31.03.2020 and the AGAR was approved unanimously.

The Annual Governance Statement was completed and approved unanimously.

The Annual Accounting Statement was examined and approved unanimously.

Cllr Sneath expressed a thank you on behalf of the Parish Council to Barbara (clerk) for all her hard work with the accounts over the past year.

Planning -

There are no current planning applications

Matters for the next Meeting

  1. VE Day celebrations
  2. Speed Awareness
  3. Closure of RAF Scampton
  4. Litter bins
  5. Bells
  6. Sub Committee on RAF Assets
  7. District Councillor’s report.

The next meeting will be on Thursday 3rd September  2020 at 7.30pm in the BSA Hall, Aisthorpe..

Being no further business the meeting closed at 8.22pm

Signed                                                                          Date