ATTENDANCE: Cllrs. Bulteel (In the Chair), Newham, Rumble and Sneath together with Brian Elliott (Parish Clerk) and four members of the public.

APOLOGIES –Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs. Somerville and Thompson with apologies for potential late arrivals from Cllr. Patterson and County Councillor Butroid.


Members of the Council were reminded that at any time during the meeting they could declare an interest, but none were needed.

0109-01 OPEN SESSION – Councillors heard (a) provisional ideas for changes to 11 High Street, Scampton, (b) a request for a further rubbish bin at the south end of Scampton village and (c) calls for a speed limit from Tillbridge Lane to the existing 30 mph sign.

Any response to item (a) must await a formal planning application but Cllr Patterson will be asked to deal with item (b) while item (c) will go on the agenda for the next meeting.

0109-02 MINUTES – Cllr. Bulteel proposed, and Cllr. Sneath seconded, the approval of the previous meeting's minutes and their signature as an accurate record.

0109-03 VILLAGE SIGNS – The ideal height of the new Scampton Village signs would be resolved shortly and the posts cut accordingly.

0109-04 HIGHWAYS AND FOOTPATHS – A request will be made for the return of a salt bin where Scampton Cliff joins the A15 and, in conjunction with County Councillor Butroid, pressure will be maintained for improvements to two pavements in Scampton Village and the Showground roundabout, for provision of a footpath from Scampton Cliff to the new filling station complex and, in particular, for better access from Scampton Cliff onto the A15.

See also Minute 0109-10 below.

0109-05 FUTURE OF SCAMPTON – Cllr Bulteel reported that West Lindsey District Council has now formally bid for the former RAF Camp site, but completion is unlikely before November - although progress meetings with Parish Councils are scheduled for this month and next. Unfortunately, however, the RAF assets intended for the planned Heritage Centre have been sold privately.

Given the historical connection between the former RAF site and the "Scampton Cliff" name, it was decided to proceed - through West Lindsey Council - with a formal name change for the community.

On another subject, satisfaction was expressed on the success of the community skips and thanks was recorded to Cllr Thompson (for the suggestion) and to the stewards on the day. Cllr Bulteel proposed and Cllr Rumble seconded that the Council should try to hold two or three similar exercises during 2025.

0109-06 NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN – The invoice for the initial work on this project had now been paid and, ideally, upcoming discussions with West Lindsey Council will help shape a coherent and comprehensive Neighbourhood Plan.

0109-07 CORRESPONDENCE – Items considered included (a) a quote of £9000 + VAT a year for grass cutting on the Scampton Cliff estate if that became a Parish Council responsibility and (b) the County Council's proposed road closures and restrictions during Showground events. It was agreed to clarify which specific events would be affected and to advocate 3-day restrictions, not ones applying only to show days.  

0109-08 FINANCE – The meeting (a) approved the payments in the attached schedule (proposed by Cllrs Bulteel and Rumble) (b) authorised the Council’s formal Precept Request (Cllrs Rumble and Sneath) and (c) agreed to the release of P60 details to the former Clerk.

0109-09 PLANNING – Three planning matters were considered – (a) noting that an open meeting would be held on 14 January at the Showground about the Tillbridge Solar project, (b) agreeing that clarification was needed on Application WL/2024/01022 (Showground Filling Station) that the Chairman would pursue by telephone and (c) deciding that it had no objections to Application WL/2025/00002 (Greenways, Scampton Village) as, although this was “backland development” , it did not change the appearance or character of an established residential area.

Cllr. Patterson arrived during this item and then reported on potential changes on planning decisions under the latest Government proposals.

0109-10 HIGHWAYS (Continued):

County Councillor Butroid’s arrival at that point allowed the earlier discussion (Minute 0109-04) to resume. He agreed to continue seeking solutions for the hazardous exit from Scampton Cliff to the A15 and to re-open discussions with County Council officials about extending the 50mph speed limit from Tillbridge Lane.

0109-11 NEXT MEETING – The next meeting will be on Thursday 6 February 2025 at the usual venue and time.


  • Village Signs
  • Law enforcement and speed awareness (50 mph limit from Tillbridge Lane)
  • Litter Picks
  • Web page and social media
  • Highways and footpaths (Extra dog waste bins Scampton Village and Cliff).
  • New Notice Boards.
  • Bus Shelter Maintenance
  • Future of Scampton
  • IT and Plans for Projector
  • Health and Safety
  • Energy Report 
  • Community Social events
  • Policies
  • Future Plans.
  • District Councillor’s report
  • County Councillor’s report
  • Correspondence
  • Finance
  • Planning

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.30pm.

These draft minutes are subject to modification before, or at, the next meeting