Present:  Councillors R Patterson (Chairman) C Sneath (Vice Chairman), J Rumble, C Bulteel, T Somerville and Mrs B Young (Clerk). Janet Clerk of YMCA Community Lincs and one member of the public were also present.
Apologies – Apologies were received from Cllr K Taylor and PCSO Julie McFaul, who sent in the following report:

10/1/21 – Traffic Offence (est)
22/1/21 – Covid Breach (est)
28/1/21 -  Vehicle nuisance (est)
29/1/21 – Fraud – Impersonation of a Police Officer via telephone (village)- caller hung up when challenged.
2/2/21 – Abandoned vehicle (est)
Register of Members Interests Members of the Council were reminded that at any time during the meeting they could declare an interest.
The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 3rd December 2020 were proposed by Cllr. Somerville, seconded by Cllr. Sneath and agreed unanimously. They will be signed by the Chairman in due course.
Open session Steve Ulyat reported that one of the pumps in the pumping station near the church was vibrating. He had spoken to Anglian Water about it and they would attend to the matter. Janet Clark was there in support of the PC during the closure of Scampton but was frustrated that the PC was being excluded from a key meeting regarding this.
Litter bins –Simon Smoothy of WLDC was thanked for his efficiency regarding the installation of the litter bins, both at the RAF estate and in the village. This was carried out the day after his meeting with Cllr Rumble and the Clerk. The total cost had been £312.00. Simon pointed out that any type of bin could be used for any type of rubbish, including dog bins and dog poo as all the rubbish ends up in the same place,
Speed Awareness Cllr. Sneath reported that she had been in contact with Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership regarding the siting of the speed tests, both on the estate and in the village, which had been approved. She was told we would need a set of speed signs for the estate as well as for the village. It was proposed by Cllr. Bulteel, seconded by Cllr. Rumble and agreed unanimously that a set of signs costing £40 be bought for the estate. The people at LRSP were furloughed at the moment so it would be a while before the training could take place.
Community Awards Janet Clark had forwarded documents about Community Awards, which was forwarded to all Councillors for discussion at the next meeting. She was happy to help with the implementation of the awards.
Closure of RAF Scampton.  Members of the PC held a productive meeting with the Stn Cdr, Wg Cdr Atkins regarding the future of RAF Scampton. The Stn Cdr is very keen to include the Parish Council in any discussions regarding the future of RAF Scampton. It was questioned at the PC meeting why a planned meeting between West Lindsey District Council, DIO, MOD and Lincolnshire County Council, would not include representation from Scampton Parish Council. It was acknowledged that whilst the Chair of Scampton PC had been invited, this was in his capacity as a District Councillor. It was agreed that any future meetings with the aim of discussing the future of RAF Scampton should include, where possible, representation from the newly formed Scampton PC subcommittee established to discuss such matters. An agenda would be forwarded to PC members for the forthcoming subcommittee meeting.  
Meeting with RAF Some of the Parish Council met with Station Commander Wg Cdr Neil Atkins. He spoke about the current situation on the base and asked what the main concerns of the PC were. The main concern was the conflict of information being given and the fact that we were being asked to make decisions without being in full possession of all the facts. He was very sympathetic and very much in support. He was going to do some research to try to clarify some points for us.
Parish Council Website – this was up and running, although there were some issues about uploading Excel documents to the site. The Clerk would speak to the Clerk at Sudbrooke, who seemed to have managed to do this.
District Councillor’s report – Cllr. Patterson reported that the review of the Central Lincolnshire Plan would be taking place soon and it looked as though there would only be growth in the identified areas. Section 71 of the Planning Policy was making it harder to stop planning applications. Janet Clark reported that Rachel Hughes, of WLDC, was looking at the OpenPlan proposals.
Email from Simon Newman expressing concerns about the footpath behind the new houses. In places the path only just 1meter the recommended width is 1.5m. The Clerk had spoken to WLDC and was waiting for a call back.
Letter from LIVES requesting donation. It was decided not to donate at this point in time as a donation was made in July.
Information from Lincsbus which would be put on the FaceBook page.
It was noted that the following payments had been made:
Haven Power (November)                                                                              £72.15
Haven Power (December)                                                                              £74.56
Amazon (Computer Ink)                                                                                £25.98
WLDC (Litter bins)                                                                                        £312.00
B Young (Salary)                                                                                            £275.08
HMRC                                                                                                            £105.80
Planning –
141588 – The Dambusters Inn. Amendment to Application No. 138564 – replacement of decking and glass structure. Approved
142207 – 11-01.2021 Gelders Ltd  - Application to extend construction company site. No observations.
Matters for the next Meeting
  1. Speed awareness
  2. Community Awards
  3. Zoom
  4. Closure of RAF Scampton
  5. Council positions.
  6. Footpath
  7. District Councillor’s report
The next meeting will be on Thursday 4th March 2021 at 7.30pm either in the BSA Hall, Aisthorpe or via Zoom to comply with the latest Covid 19 guidelines.
Being no further business the meeting closed at 20.54pm.
Signed                                                                          Date