Present:  Councillors C Bulteel (Chairman), C Sneath (Vice Chairman), J Rumble, R Patterson, M Newham, Mrs B Young (Clerk) and three members of the public were also present.
Apologies –were received and accepted from Cllrs T Somerville and K Clewes-Garner
Register of Members Interests Members of the Council were reminded that at any time during the meeting they could declare an interest.
The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 3rd November 2022 were proposed by Cllr. Sneath, seconded Cllr. Rumble and agreed unanimously. They were signed by the Chairman as a true record of the meeting.
Open session The Vice Chairman of Brattleby PC attended to inform us about an incident of dangerous driving in Scampton. He was asked to write the incident down and forward it to Cllr. Sneath as it would help to create a case for traffic calming measures in the village. A resident also expressed grave concerns about the traffic and was asked to do the same.
The matter of speeding and the possibility of all the Parish Councils, between Scampton and Ingham, uniting to present case for traffic calming would be added to the Agenda for the next Combined Parish Council Meeting, due at the end of January.
Law Enforcement and Speed Awareness- Cllr Sneath reported there had been two community speed checks recently. In Brattleby on 12th November 150 cars were monitored, of which 8 were doing speeds between 47 and 53 mph. The one in Scampton on 29th November 102 cars were monitored with 1 doing 38mph. Two members of Brattleby PC had resigned and no longer wished to take part in speed checks. She was trying to arrange training for the new volunteers.
Litter Picks – Cllr Sneath had organised a litter pick at Scampton Cliff on 20th November and 14 people turned up, including some Rainbows who were taking a badge. 8 bags of rubbish were collected. There is a young man from Aisthorpe, doing his D of E Award, who will be collecting litter from the top of Scampton Hill to Aisthorpe over the next three months. All those who turned up were thanked and the Chairman requested that we should look at providing refreshments again.

Web Page and Social Media – Cllr Newham had updated the Councillor list on the website and uploaded the Minutes. It was a very cumbersome site and she requested some training. It was proposed by Cllr Bulteel, seconded by Cllr Sneath and agreed unanimously that she could undertake as much training as was necessary at a cost of £15 per hour. Cllrs Bulteel and Newham would meet to look at what updates were needed and present them to the full Parish Council.

Planning, Highways and Footpaths – Cllr Patterson said that the Service area at the Showground and the Traveller Site at Grange de Lings had both been given planning approval. The Traveller Site, for 12 units, has conditions to meet before building starts.
Cllr Bulteel had written to the head of planning and a senior official regarding the footpath in Scampton, who were looking at how to resolve the matter.
The Clerk was asked to find out more about the 7000 acre project as we had not received an invitation to the meeting. The Chairman is Jerry Parker info@7000acres.co.uk

Future of Scampton –A meeting had been held between DIO and WLDC and there were 5 potential partners being considered and the viability of the project was being looked at. The final announcement would be made on 15th December and there would then be a one month cooling off period. Of the 160 Air Force houses on the site 60 were to sold off. WLDC was in favour of them being sold to a housing association but the Parish Council would prefer owner occupiers. A letter to this effect would be sent. The next meeting was scheduled for 19th January 2023.

IT - Although at the last meeting it had been agreed to purchase a projector and screen, following a trial run, using the wall as a screen and the opposite wall as the position for the projector, the purchase was reviewed. A new projector would be sourced to accommodate this change.

H&S – No report

Energy – Letters and emails had been sent to Arthur Laughton, Joanne Johnson and John Monk of LCC asking them to consider if they could pay for our electricity and be re-imbursed by us. As a large user of electricity they would be able to negotiate a contract where as we were finding it impossible to find a new supplier. The Clerk reported that Drax had debited a large amount of arrears to the account and she was trying to reconcile this.
S Ulyat kindly volunteered to look at street light #2 and assess its condition.
Christmas Tree- It was felt that tonight’s switch on of the lights had been successful and that the pattern should be followed next year, possibly with the use of flyers and posters. Steve Ulyat and Jim Nicholson were thanked for all their hard work in erecting the lights.

Social- The Parish Councillor’s social will take place next Friday commencing at 6.30pm.

District Councillor’s report – Cllr Patterson reported the next Corporate Policy Committee would be looking at the funding for Councillors over the period of the next four years. They were also looking at ways to encourage whole communities by giving awards.
Future Plans – Ideas were put forward for future plans for the PC. They included:
  • More defibrillators.
  • Benches and seating areas at Scampton Cliff.
  • Queen’s/King’s trees
  • Scampton Cliff Christmas tree
  • Better pathways at Scampton Cliff
  • Path between Scampton Cliff and the village
Correspondence – All had been circulated.
It was noted that the following payments had been made:
Green Grass Contracting                                                                                              £134.70
Drax                                                                                                                            £1457.75
It was confirmed unanimously that the precept applied for be £25,000 as agreed last month.
Planning –
#145860 22.11.22 – Reserved Matters Application – Gelders Ltd
Mr and Mrs Elliott notified the PC that they would be circulating a Community Consultation prior to applying for planning permission for a cottage on the site of The Old Parsonage, Scampton.
Matters for the next Meeting
Law Enforcement and Speed AwarenessLitter Picks
Web Page and Social Media
Planning, Highways and Footpaths
Future of Scampton
Energy/Christmas Tree
Future PlansDistrict Councillor’s report
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 5th January 2023 at 7.00pm in the BSA Hall, Aisthorpe.

Being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm.