Present:  Councillors C. Bulteel (Chairman), C Sneath (Vice Chairman), M Newham, J Rumble, R Patterson and Mrs B Young (Clerk). Also in attendance were County Councillor Richard Butroid, and two members of the public.
Apologies –Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr T Somerville.
Register of Members Interests Members of the Council were reminded that at any time during the meeting they could declare an interest.
The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 12th July 2023 were proposed by Cllr. Bulteel, seconded by Cllr. Sneath and agreed unanimously. They were signed by the Chairman as a true record of the meeting.
Open session. There were no matters raised.
New Parish Councillor – It was proposed by Cllr Rumble, seconded by Cllr Sneath and agreed unanimously that Kerry Thompson be co-opted onto the Parish Council. He was given a warm welcome.                                                                                  ACTION - Clerk
Law Enforcement and Speed Awareness- Cllr Newham questioned the figures from the readings of the SID boards as there was a large discrepancy between journeys in opposite directions. Cllr Sneath was asked to find out whether environmental conditions affected the SID readings and whether it recorded the speed when you were first detected or when you passed the signs. Two further CWS sessions were planned but there had been no development with Highways regarding the moving of the signs.                                                             ACTION - CS
Litter Picks –A litter pick will be held on 10th September. Unfortunately we will not be able to provide coffee due to lack of facilities.
Web Page and Social Media – Cllr Newham reported the Webpage was up to date that the
figures for the Speed awareness sessions had been posted.
Highways and Footpaths –Highways had not responded to the request for yellow lines at Scampton Cliff. Cllr Butroid said it was on a list to be assessed. Chris Miller from LCC was writing to the affected residents from 617 Court regarding the disputed boundary.        ACTION – LCC
Future of Scampton – The next Home Office Focus Group meeting will be held on 10th August  between 3.00.- 4.00pm. Minutes would be taken and circulated to the public. A letter would be sent to Robert Jenrick and copied to Suella Braverman regarding the Risks and Concerns over the accommodating of Asylum Seekers at RAF Scampton.                             ACTION – Clerk
The next Inter-Parish meeting will be on 17th August at the Guildhall in Gainsborough at 7.00pm. Three reps from each Parish will be invited. Emails would be sent to invite them. ACTION - CS
It was proposed by Cllr Bulteel, seconded by Cllr Patterson and agreed unanimously that ROSE (The Regeneration of Scampton Estate) would work closely with the Parish Council and report at each meeting.
IT. There was no update due to the absence of Cllr Somerville.
H&S – The Risk Assessment was unanimously approved and signed and will be uploaded to the webpage.                                                                                                            ACTION - MN

Energy/Solar Farms – Grant White WLDC requested a copy of the list of Street Lights in the village, as they were looking at what provision could be made for Scampton village lights. He had also attended a site meeting with Cllr Sneath and looked at all of the 23 street lights. Cllr Newham also needed the information for a quote from Clear Utility Solutions. It was reported that lamp post #14 was not working. It was decided to see what was happening before making a decision as to whether it was possible to replace with an LED fitting.                                                 ACTION - Clerk
Planning – The public consultation for the planned Fuel Station/food outlet at the junction of the A15 and the B1500 was open until 14th August.
Community Social Events-
Cllr Rumble confirmed that 13 stalls and 3 catering vans were already booked for the Christmas event, the Springline Choir had been approached to sing. Mr Hebborn confirmed that we could use the school’s waste bin and if it was necessary to arrange an extra lift it was agreed the Parish Council would pay for it (approx. £70). The Clerk would check the insurance cover and Cllrs Patterson and Sneath would organise the Tombola. Attendee stall holders would be asked if they wished to attend the Dambuster Fly Past evening on 16th May 2024.                                    ACTION – JR, CS, RP, Clerk
Neighbourhood Watch – Information would be posted on the Face Book page and be discussed at the next meeting.                                                                                   ACTION – MN
Policies The policies on DATA Protection, Complaints Procedures and Subject Access Request Procedure were proposed by Cllr Bulteel, seconded by Cllr Patterson, agreed unanimously and will be posted on the website.                                                           ACTION – MN
Parish Council email – It was proposed by Cllr Bulteel, seconded by Cllr Sneath and agreed unanimously that all Councillors should have a .gov.uk email  addresses at a cost between  £55 and £110.                                                                                                         ACTION - MN
District Councillor’s report –Cllr Patterson had confirmed that the Prosperous Communities had objected to the Gate Buton project and were submitting a Local Impact Report on the grounds of loss of agricultural land and the negative impact on the local population.
Future Plans – This was postponed until the next meeting.
Correspondence – There were no additional items not previously circulated.
It was noted that the following payments had been made:
Drax                                                                                        £240.51
C Bulteel Fly past expenses                                                    £250.00
Noticeboard                                                                            £78.95
Green Grass Contracting                                                        £336.72
Green Grass Contracting                                                        £168.36
It was agreed that that Cllr Newham would attend the LALC “Councillor Induction and Refresher” course on 26th September and Cllrs Bulteel, Sneath and Newham would attend the one on 17th October entitled "Council Procedures and Meetings”.                            
It was pointed out that the Clerk was being paid £10.04 per hour, which was below the minimum wage of £10.42 per hour. The Chairman said it would be discussed before the next meeting.
Matters for the next Meeting
Law Enforcement and Speed Awareness
Litter Picks
Web Page and Social Media
Highways and Footpaths
Future of Scampton
Energy/Solar Farms
Community Social Events
Future Plans
District Councillor’s report
The date of the next meeting The next meeting will be on Thursday 7th September 2023 at 7.00pm in the BSA Hall, Aisthorpe
Being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm.