Present: Councillors C Sneath (Vice Chairman), M Newham, K Clewes-Garner, J Rumble, T Somerville, R Patterson and Mrs B Young (Clerk). Also in attendance were County Councillor Richard Bulteel, Grant White of WLDC, PC Steve Toyn, PCSO Jackie Parker and ten members of the public.
Apologies –Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs. C Bulteel (Chairman).
Register of Members Interests Members of the Council were reminded that at any time during the meeting they could declare an interest.
The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 2nd March 2023 were proposed by Cllr. Patterson, seconded by Cllr. Rumble and agreed unanimously. They were signed by the Vice Chairman as a true record of the meeting.
Open session. The Clerk welcomed all the visitors and reminded them that this was a Parish Council Meeting and not a public meeting, they were welcome to ask questions but people were asked to respect everyone present and give them a chance to ask their question. The Open Session would last for 15 minutes. She then handed over to the Cllr Sneath who answered the following questions:
- Why was there such a large increase in the Council Tax this year? This was because when the precept was set we had hoped that the PC would be taking on responsibility for some of the community assets at RAF Scampton and needed to have the money to be able to fund the maintenance of these.
- What will happen if this does not happen? In future years the precept would be set according to the needs of the Parish Council and the precept could go down as well as up.
- What about the compensation mentioned by Sir Edward Leigh MP for the devaluation in the value of property in the area? It was unlikely that the Government would compensate for this as property values do fluctuate. It was suggested that the questioner contact Sir Edward.
Steve Ulyat reported that AJ Engineering were looking at making replacement village signs for us and he would obtain a quote before any decision was made.
Law Enforcement and Speed Awareness- It has been announced that PCSOs will be cut by October leaving only 7 for the area and they will be based in Gainsborough. Speed awareness sessions were held in Brattleby and Scampton with 647 vehicles monitored, of which 26 were speeding. A session at Scampon Way was requested. Cllr Sneath had managed to download the data from the speed cameras, with one vehicle doing 75mph in the village (it was possible that this was an emergency vehicle).
Litter Picks –A litter pick was held on 26th March with 9 people taking part and 7 bags of rubbish collected. The PC had been signed up to the British Spring Clean.
Web Page and Social Media– Cllr Newham reported the Webpage was up to date that the figures for the Speed awareness sessions would be posted to make people aware that they were being carried out. There seemed to be only a few policies on the website and she would look at which policies should be adopted by the PC. This would be done prior to the next meeting and drafts sent out to Councillors for them to be discussed at the next meeting.
Highways and Footpaths – The footpath outside Lime Tree Cottage had been patched. Cllr Butroid said it had been added to a list for the whole path to be resurfaced in the future. (It was too large a job for the small fix team to do). The repair of the metal poles was still outstanding. Cllr Sneath had emailed Cllr Butroid the relevant information regarding the proposed changes to the speed limit and SID board poles. Graham Butler had sent the request to LCC Highways to start the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) process.
Cllr Clewes-Garner declared an interest and took no further part in the discussion on the footpath on 617 Court.
There had been no developments and it was decided to ask the residents of 617 to a meeting to discuss how they would like to proceed.
- Do Nothing.
- Leave the new pathway in place and redirect the footpath.
- Affected homeowners to give back part of their gardens to widen the footpath and then sue the developer.
Cllr Butroid and Neil McBride would be asked to attend.
Future of Scampton – WLDC had agreed to take over the maintenance of the defibrillator at the camp as it did not belong to the Parish Council. A maintenance contract with WLDC costing £100pa would be taken out for the one in the village. A weekly phone call between the Parish Council and Grant White (WLDC) to make sure we were kept up to date with developing situations regarding the asylum seekers. A further public meeting would be arranged making sure the right people were at the event.
IT. Cllr Somerville reported that the projector was ready to install in the BSA Hall and that the PC need to discuss the purchse of an amplifier at the next meeting.
H&S – The Risk Assessment would be reviewed at the next meeting.
Energy/Solar Farms – Total Gas and Power had withdrawn from supplying us with Electricity. Cllr Butroid was trying to get LCC to take on the supplying of our electricity (for which they would be reimbursed). Grant White had wondered why WLDC did not look after street lights in the Scampton area and would include us in planned talks with WLDC and Scampton camp about the maintenance of their lights and the supply of electricity to see if our lights could be adopted by WLDC. Cllr Sneath had enrolled the PC on the Cottam and Gate Burton websites.
Planning – Cllr Sneath would check with Steve Kemp of Openplan as to whether a grant was still available to fund the preparation of a Neighbourhood Plan. The Central Lincolnshire Plan will be adopted on 15th April.
Community Social Events-
The Clerk confirmed that Mr Hebborn was happy for the PC to use the car park in front of the school for the Christmas light switch on. Cllr Rumble confirmed that several stall holders were interested in attending the event and she suggested that she contact the school regarding the use of the hall for some of the stalls.
District Councillor’s report –Cllr Patterson confirmed that there was little going on at the moment due to the elections. Information is on the WLDC website. He confirmed that there would not be an election in Scampton as the number of nominations received was for the number of vacancies. The Rainbows had received a grant from WLDC to relocate to The BSA Hall.
Future Plans – Everyone was asked to bring their ideas for projects to enhance Scampton to the next PC meeting.
Correspondence – There were no additional items not previously circulated.
It was noted that the following payments had been made:
Drax £73.87
Drax £107.32
Speakers £463.48
E-on (Maintenance) £143.40
F B Young £230.84
HMRC £130.60
The Clerk had been notified that we would receive donations from the Community Infrastructure Levy by 28.04.23 £612.50 +£7.50. Councillors should consider what the money will be used for.
Matters for the next Meeting
Law Enforcement and Speed Awareness
Litter Picks
Web Page and Social Media
Highways and Footpaths
Future of Scampton
Web Page and Social Media
Highways and Footpaths
Future of Scampton
Energy/Solar Farms
Energy/Solar Farms
Community Social Events
Future Plans
Community Social Events
Future Plans
District Councillor’s report
The next meeting The Annual Parish Council Meeting will be on 18th May 2023 at 7.00pm the Annual Parish Meeting will be on 1st June 2023 at 7.00pm both in the BSA Hall
Being no further business the meeting closed at 8.20pm.