Scampton Parish Council

The next


will be held on

Thursday 9 January 2025 at 7.00pm

in the BSA Hall, Aisthorpe.

  • Minutes of last meeting
  • Village Signs
  • Highways and Footopath Report
  • Neighbourhood Plan
  • Future of Scampton
  • Correspondence
  • Finance
  • Planning Matters


There are two items under planning:

  1. The 700 Acres group have advised that the Planning Inspectorate has now confirmed the venue and timings for the next set of hearings for Tillbridge Solar as:
    The Open Floor Hearing 2 will be on 14th January at 17:30 registration/arrival for an 18:00 start at Lincolnshire Showground, Grange-de-Lings, LINCOLN, LN2 2NA.
  2. Planning Application:  WL/2024/01022. The proposal is a hybrid planning application comprising: (1) full planning application for petrol filling station (Sui Generis), rapid electric vehicle charging facility & retail kiosk (Use Class E), alongside a drive- thru coffee shop (Use Class E / Sui Generis) with associated access, parking, servicing and landscaping areas; (2) outline planning application for an additional drive-thru facility (Use Class E / Sui Generis) with associated parking, servicing & landscaping areas (with all matters reserved for future consideration) being variation of conditions 02, 22 & 25 of planning permission 145260 granted 1 December 2022 – new design and increased height of coffee drive-thru being variation of Condition 22 of planning permission 146970 granted 15 September 2023 to alter the appearance of the petrol filling station kiosk & canopy.

This link should take you to the documents relating to this application on the West Lindsey Council website. Is there any point in asking for any planning approval to include specific confirmation that charging points will be open to residents of Scampton Cliff given recent publicity about a shortage of charging facilities in many rural areas? A National Audit Office report states that “around 44% of all public charge points in the UK are in London and the South-East, with London alone having more than twice as many charge points per capita than any other region. Only 15% of charge points in England are in rural areas”

  1. An application has just arrived for a detached house at Greenways, High Street, Scampton and more details will be provided before, or at, the meeting.